Ch. 1: At a Diner

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It's the year 1968. You're a nineteen-year-old woman named (Y/N) (L/N). You live in the city of Dover, Delaware. You live in a small house with your best friend Linda Creeley. You both live in a two-bedroom house. It's just you and her living there.

(Kind of what you look like (originally)

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(Kind of what you look like (originally). Pic above... Imagine yourself, 60s style.)

(What Linda Creeley kind of looks like

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(What Linda Creeley kind of looks like.)

Unlike you, Linda's the slutty friend. She and her boyfriend Ronnie Jacobs will quote on quote 'screw up a storm' quite a bit. Even at your guys' house. You've gotten used to hearing some of their 'love noises'. Much to your dismay, but you've learned to tolerate it. You drown it out with some music. Especially your favorite band. The Beatles. You love The Beatles.

You have an older brother. Randy is his name. He's twenty-two years old. He was drafted in the war. There's a war going on right now between the United States and Vietnam and he is there. You just hope your brother survives and makes it back home alive.

You and Linda are at a diner right now. The jukebox in the background is playing the song Ain't That Just Like a Woman by Fats Domino. You're both sitting at a booth as you eat your food. You eat a fry and you say, "Man, I love these fries. Better than what I try to do with fries." 

Linda smirks and says, "I've had much bigger in my mouth.~" You look at her with a raised brow and you say, "What the hell, Linda? That's gross." She smirks and says, "Come on, (Y/N). Don't be such a prude. I can tell you're in need of some love. You're a pretty girl." 

You look away saying, "I am not." She says, "Sure you are. There were times Ronnie was telling me that he wanted a threesome between him, me and you." You look at her and you say, "Are you serious?" She giggles. You shiver and you drink your shake.

Linda says, "Ronnie and I thought about all of us sneaking into some abandoned place just out of town. A little party. Our music. Some booze... You included." You look at her and you say, "What abandoned place?" She says, "Some place called Henderson Studios." Your eyes widen and you say, "What? Henderson?" She nods. You say, "Linda, no. That place is off limits." 

She says, "What's up? It can't be that bad." You say, "Linda. You have no idea. It's the disturbing history behind it. You remember Cartoon Cat, don't you?" She says, "Yeah. That cute 1930s cat character. My mom would take me to see him at the movies when we didn't have a television in our house." 

You say, "I've already had a TV in my house by the time I was eight." She says, "It's because you come from a rich family, girl. Your dad owns a shoe company for fuck sakes." You say, "Yeah, but now my brother's in combat." She says, "Right... Sorry." You say, "It's alright." 

You look at her and you say, "Anyways. If I were you guys, I would avoid that place at all costs. Henderson Studios is dangerous. At least two hundred people went in there... and never came out. Police found at least one hundred and eighty dead bodies throughout the thirty years the place has been left behind. "

Linda says, "Well, damn. Really?" You say, "You're going to have to convince Ronnie to not let any of us go there under any circumstances. I have a reason to believe that..." You look at Linda and you say, "... it's Cartoon Cat himself that's been murdering those poor people for three decades."

She says, "(Y/N). I believe you. You're damn smart with this stuff. But you know how Ronnie is. He'll think you're crazy if you tell him this. He's very skeptical and all, too." You say, "Seriously. What do you see in that guy?" She smirks and says, "He's good in bed.~" 

You roll your eyes and you say, "Ugh. Figures you'd say that. You screw anything that moves." She says, "Oh, I do not. Though he's not the only guy I've slept with." You say, "Linda... I've witnessed you being drunk and making out with a pinball machine at a bar one time." She says, "You saw that?" You say, "I was there." She says, "Oh... right. Heh. Guess I was pretty fucked up." 

You say, "You can get guys, at least. I can't even get so much as a hug from any guy." She says, "I'm telling you, (Y/N). You'd have a chance. Get yourself some action, woman. Screw. Make sure whomever it is, you use a rubber." You blush and you look away.

You finish your food and you say, "We need to pay and get going soon. My mom's expecting me to visit. She's been pretty down since my brother was drafted." She says, "Mm. Too bad he's out and fighting in the war. He is cute.~" You say, "Ugh. Really, Linda?"

She grins and says, "Hey. I'd do him more than I would Ronnie, sometimes." You say, "Ugh. Let's just go." You both get up and you go to the front desk to pay for your food. You head out and you get in your car. You start it and you pull out of the parking spot. You drive off.

As you drive down the road your radio is playing Sister Ray by The Velvet Underground. You and Linda are both singing to it. Linda smiles and gets her cigarette out. She puts it in her mouth. You open up the ashtray in your car. Linda says, "Thanks." She lights her cigarette and takes a puff.

You smile and you move your head to the song a bit. You say, "When we get back to my house, I've got something for us." She says, "Oh? And that is?" You say, "I've got some weed left from my brother before he was drafted." She says, "Hey. Right on. Are we gonna smoke it?" You say, "Well, yeah. What else do you do with weed? Snort it?" 

She says, "Woman. That's cocaine." You laugh a bit. You say, "I'd rather do weed than cocaine. I hear cocaine's much deadlier. At least weed is a plant." Linda says, "But Ronnie told me his older brother told him you make a shit ton of money selling cocaine. Thousands at least." You say, "Linda. My parents have more money than that." She says, "Well yeah. You come from a freaking family of millionaires, lady." 

You say, "Yeah, but I moved out. I don't care about money. I just love my family." She says, "Yeah. Good point. I'm glad you're not one of those rich girls that's super bitchy and rubs their privilege in other's faces. Like Caroline Briggs back in high school." 

You say, "Oh god. Don't get me started on that bitch. You may be on the slutty side yourself, but at least you're a lot nicer." She smiles and says, "Awe." You continue your way to your parents' house.

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