Ch. 17: Making It to Mexico

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It takes hours, but you and Cat manage to get pass the border. Now you're in Mexico. It was your plan. Now you're in Nogales. You still have a bit to go since you have to go a further west to Tijuana.

Your car station has turned into a Spanish song, but you're not complaining. You knew that your radio station would pick up different music. It did that in the states, but in English. It all depends on what location you're in and the radio waves picking it up. This Spanish song sounds pretty catchy.

Cat says, "Man, I wish I knew Spanish." You suddenly begin to speak Spanish yourself and you say this, (I do, kitty cat.) He looks at you and says, "You never told me you could speak Spanish, cutie." 

You smile and you say, "Oh, right. I forgot to tell you something you never knew about me... I studied Spanish in high school and through books. Looks like I've chosen the right location for us to reside after all." He grins and says, "You should moan for me in that language during our nights together.~" You smack him on the shoulder and he chuckles. You say, "Perv." 

You look at him and you look at the road saying, "We need to come up with money, soon. Pesos, that is. We're in Mexico, now." He says, "How much?" You say, "I've studied this, so at least three hundred and forty-six pesos. That's twenty US dollars. It should be enough to get us through some nights." 

You stop near a station and you see a man sitting outside in his rocking chair. He's wearing a hat. Etc. He sees you and you stop. You look at Cat and you say, "Nathan. Wait here. I'm gonna ask for directions." He sits back and he says, "Fine by me. I'll have a smoke while you're at it." He pulls a cigarette out and he puts it in his mouth. He lights it and he has a smoke.

You get out of the car and you approach the middle-aged man in the rocking chair near the store entrance. You say this, (Excuse me, sir.) He looks up and says, "Si?" You say, (Hi. I've just arrived here from the states. Do you happen to know of any place I can stay? Me and Nathan? He's in my car having a cigarette right now and we needed to leave. For his sake.)

He nods and says, (Yeah, I can help you. Hold on. Let me go and get my wife. Wait here.) You smile and you say, "Gracias." He gets up and he walks into the store. You stand there and you wait. You see him coming back out with a curvy woman in a red dress, has raven beehive styled hair, glasses, etc. 

She sees you and she says, "Hello there. You must be the young dama my husband Manuel here was mentioning." You say, "Yeah. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). My boyfriend Nathan Sterling and I have just arrived here from the states and wanted some advice from anyone around here. Any good hotel to stay. If it's alright, would you help us?" 

The woman smiles and says, "Of course I can. But you can't go without money." She looks at her husband and says, (Manuel. Care to help the young chica out?) Manuel says, "Si." He reaches into his pocket and takes out a good few pesos. 

He hands it to you and says, (You'll need this to get by some nights, young lady. You and the young man in the car.) You smile and you say, "Thank you both so much." The woman says, "Anytime. Take care now, young lady. My name's Camila by the way." You say, "Thank you again." 

As Cat sits there having a smoke, he sees you coming back. You get in the car and he says, "So?" You smile and you say, "We're in luck, Nathan. They've given me some pesos. There's a hotel about twenty miles from here we can stay at." He says, "Good." You start the car and you say, "Let's go." You pull out and you drive off. Manuel and Camila wave as you leave.


You're at a hotel now. You and Cat both. You're in your room and watching TV. I Dream of Jeannie happens to be on and you're laughing as you watch it. You're sitting on your stomach on the bed as you face the TV. Cat is sitting back on the bed, having a glass of Jose Cuervo. He downs it and says, "Ahh... That's nice and strong." 

You look at him and you say, "Did you eat something first?" He says, "Nope. Don't need to. I'm a demonic talking feline, baby. I went years without eating. I've only consumed internal organs of my victims." You say, "Right. Including three of my friends." 

He says, "Hey now. I stopped, didn't I? I did it for you, baby.~" You say, "I'm just saying, Nathan. You're drinking tequila. That would kick your ass if you weren't an eldritch being." He sits up and chuckles saying, "Hey... come 'ere.~" You sit up and you crawl to him.

He pulls you close and he puts the glass up to your lips saying, "I've seen you drunk back in the states at one of the hotels we were in... Come on. Drink up." You say, "Nathan. I don't feel like alcohol right now." He says, "Come on.~" He chuckles. You sigh and you take the glass saying, "Give me that." 

You take a drink and he grins. You shiver at the strong taste and you say, "All yours." You hand it to him and he takes it and drinks it. You say, "Phew. That stuff is strong." He chuckles at your reaction and he says, "I've partied quite a few times when I was a teenage boy. Two buddies of mine. We were all great with each other."

You say, "Yeah?" He says, "Yeah. But I got so out of control and so psychotic that even those two distanced themselves from me. Fucked up as a human and fucked up now." He drinks his tequila. You say, "You're lucky I love you, Nathan." He smirks and says, "Mmm, you know I love you too, my sweet (Y/N).~" You both sit there and you watch TV the rest of the time.

His Mouse (Cartoon Cat x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum