Ch. 24: Bye Bye, Caroline

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It's nighttime. You and Nathan are in your room asleep. Abigail's sleeping in her room. Zachary is in his room. His lights are out just like you suggested, but he's still up. He looks at the door and he looks towards his window closest to his bed. 

He says, "So, Miss. Caroline Briggs. Wanna still be a butthead? Let alone talking bad about my mom?" He chuckles and says, "I'm prepared to take care of you, you old witch. Nobody and I mean nobody even talks bad about mama." 

He smirks and says, "Hey... I know that guy in the 4th grade who told me that I could make an escape rope out of blankets tied together." He grins and says, "Yeah. I'll do that." He gets up and he grabs his blankets.

After a couple of minutes, Zachary manages to get his blankets tied and he opens his window. He looks back at the door and back at the window. He already has the blankets tied to his bedpost, so it shouldn't be a problem and his room is located in the back on the second floor of the mansion.

He gets to his window and he climbs over. He grips the escape blanket and he starts to climb down. He gets down to the ground and he runs around from the backyard to the front. He looks back at the mansion and says, "I'll be back." He walks off.


Meanwhile, at a trailer park. Caroline Briggs, your former school bully now overweight and a single mom of two boys is sitting in her living room. Her sons Billy and Joseph are sleeping in their room. 

The boys share a room and a bed which is just a mattress with a bunch of clothes used as a blanket and a coat is used as their pillow. That's how low Caroline had sunk. Not just that, but both boys have a different father. Yet, she hasn't changed her attitude. Especially for how she feels about you and your kids.

She's in the living room and she's watching TV. She has a glass of wine in her hand. It's wine out of a box. One of the cheapest ones you can get. She says, "Hmph. Stupid mom. Kick ME out after getting pregnant. Ooh, and that (Y/N) thinks she's better than me, huh. Living a life I once had. I don't care if she's been rich her whole life, too. She doesn't deserve it. I do. Ha! I'll show her. I'll ruin her and those fucking kids." 

She sits back and says, "Now, I don't like to hurt children. But that infuriating Zachary and that annoying brat Abigail are HER kids for god sakes. Those two don't even have to do anything wrong for me to hate them. They're demon spawns for being her kids. I should just... ruin her and those brats and have Nathan all to myself." She chuckles. 

She's unaware that a certain son of yours is standing right outside an opened window of hers and he hears her. He whispers, "Think again, you hag. Nobody's messing with my mom or sister. And my dad doesn't like any other woman but my mom." He finds his way inside.

He manages to sneak into the kitchen window and he peeks over to see Caroline laying back on her couch. He shivers at the sight of her and he hides under the table. He watches as she gets up and walks into the kitchen.

She pours herself another glass of the cheap wine and she sets it on the table. She says, "I have to take a piss." She walks off and heads down the hallway. Zachary hears the door closing and this gives him the opportunity to come out from under the table. He sees the glass of wine on the table and he looks over at the bottom cabinet just under the sink. He smirks at a thought.

He looks to where Caroline walked and he sneaks over to the sink. He opens the doors under it and he spots something. Drain cleaner. He grins and grabs it. He walks to the table and gets upon a chair. He opens the drain cleaner bottle and he proceeds to pour it into her glass of wine. 

He gets down and he puts the lid back on the drain cleaner. He puts it back under the sink and he shuts the doors. He sneaks out from where he came in and he peeks up to watch vengeance of his own unfold.

Just in time, he sees Caroline walking into the kitchen. She grabs her wine. Zachary smirks and whispers, "Yes. Drink it up, Miss. Caroline. You deserve a treat." He chuckles quietly. Right inside, Caroline says, "I could use another glass. Cheap wine, but it's still wine." Little does she realize, this would be her last night of life.

She takes a big drink and Zachary grins with anticipation. He stays hidden from her sight, but still peeks in. She sets it down and says, "Ahh, good. Now... how to handle (Y/N) and her ki..." She suddenly coughs and says, "Ahem. How to handle the..." She coughs again. Zachary grins and whispers, "Any moment, now." 

She picks up her glass and takes another drink, thinking it'll help. But unaware that that's what's causing her coughing. She sighs. But then, her coughs get more intense and she feels her throat tightening. She gasps and she drops her glass, making it shatter on the floor. She stumbles into the living room, gagging and coughing. She drops to the floor and Zachary peeks his head in to watch his deed. 

Caroline is laying there. Face beat red and struggling to breathe. After about twenty seconds of suffering, she suddenly falls back and sighs out her last breath. She has died. Zachary says, "Now you won't be in our way, you old witch." 

He grins and he moves from the window. He walks off humming a tune to the song Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead from The Wizard of Oz. It shows a brief moment of a now dead Caroline laying on her living room floor.


The next morning, Zachary is sleeping on his bed with a bit of a smile on his face. The door opens and you come walking in saying, "Zachary. Honey, it's time to wake up." He sighs and gets up. He puts his hands up to stretch and let out a yawn. He says, "Good morning, mama." 

You walk over and he stands on his knees. He smiles, holding his arms out and says, "Hugs?" You smile and you say, "Of course, baby. Come here." You pick him up and you hold him close. He hugs his arms around you and says, "You're the best mom in the world." 

You say, "Thank you, honey." You kiss him on the cheek and you say, "Let's get your breakfast, huh? You and Abby." He nods. As you walk out with your son in your arms, you're unaware of the smirk on his face after the deed he committed.

His Mouse (Cartoon Cat x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu