Ch. 9: Staying with Your Parents

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The next day, you're back at home. You're sitting on the couch in the living room. You've got a picture of Linda in your hands and you're crying. You say, "I'm so sorry, Linda. I'm s-so sorry I couldn't save you from him." You hug the picture of her close.

Your phone suddenly rings and you put the picture down. You sigh and you get up. You walk to your phone, which is a red rotary phone. You pick it up and you say, "H-hello?" still sounding and feeling hurt.

 You pick it up and you say, "H-hello?" still sounding and feeling hurt

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(It's the late 1960s, so this is what your phone looks like. Pic above.)

You hear your mom from the other line saying, "(Y/N)? Dear?" "Mother? It's me. It's..." You sniffle and you say, "It's me." "Darling. Your father and I are coming over. We both have something to talk to you about." "O-okay. I'll see you then." "I'm so sorry, honey. I know Linda was your dearest friend. We'll be there as soon as possible to talk to you." You sniffle and you say, "I-I'll see you then, mother." 

After talking to her, you hang your phone up. You walk back to your couch and you sit down. You sigh and you put your hands up to your face. You say, "Damn you, Nathan Sterling... Y-you psychotic fucking cat... Goddamn you!!" You sob.

A moment later, you hear a knock on your front door and you get up. You say, "That's got to be mom and dad right now." You walk to the door and you open it. Sure enough, there are your parents. You let them in and you shut the door. 

They come to you and your mom pulls you in for a hug. You hug your arms around her. Your dad rubs your back. You sob. Your mom strokes the back of your head and says, "I know, honey. I'm really sorry. Come sit down. Your father and I have something to talk to you about." You pull away and you say, "Okay. Come sit down and you can tell me." You bring your parents to your couch. You all sit down. 

You look at them. Your dad says, "I hate to see you this sad, (Y/N). But I know... You've lost your friend." You sigh and you nod. Your mom says, "(Y/N)... You may be an independent young woman, but Linda's parents are very close friends of ours as you were to Linda, herself. They're very devastated right now and so are Ronnie's parents." 

You say, "What about it, mama?" Your dad says, "Your mother and I want you to come back to live with us." You look at them. Your mom says, "Just for a little while, dear. Please? After what happened at that studio, I couldn't imagine anything happening to our own daughter." 

You say, "Oh guys. Come on. I'm nineteen." Your dad says, "It doesn't matter at this time, (Y/N)... Have your things packed and come stay with us asap. We can't risk anything horrible happening to you after what happened to your friend Linda Creeley." You say, "Alright. I'll start packing." They smile.


A few days have passed. You've moved everything you needed out of your house. All of your belongings. Clothes, a few of the band posters you have, your radio, your music records, toiletries, etc. 

You're living back at home with your mom and dad until they feel it's safe for you to move out again. They couldn't risk anything happening to their own daughter like it did with your friends Linda Creeley and Ronnie Jacobs.

You're staying in your old bedroom. With you is your friend Hillary Taylor. You're both sitting on your bed and talking. Your record player is playing All You Need is Love by The Beatles. And since The Beatles is your favorite band of all time.

(What your bedroom at your parents' house kind of looks like

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(What your bedroom at your parents' house kind of looks like. Pic above.)

You sigh and you say, "I just can't get over it, Hill." Hillary says, "Yeah. I know. Any one of us can be next." You sigh and you say, "That fucking cat." Hillary says, "I think it's best we stay away from that studio at all costs." You nod and you say, "Yeah. We've lost two friends, already." 

Hillary says, "When is their funeral?" You say, "Tomorrow evening. Both of them. Ronnie's being buried in his family's cemetery. Linda's being cremated today. My mom got a phone call from Mrs. Creeley stating that." Hillary says, "I can't imagine someone calling and reminding us that their own daughter is being cremated. Burned. Can you imagine?" You say, "Yeah. I know."

You look at Hillary and you say, "We need to stick together, Hill." Hillary says, "I'd hate to say this, but I feel like Jack's gonna be next." You look at her and you say, "What are you talking about, Hill?" She says, "He's a stubborn guy. He'll try and go back to that studio to confront him, himself when he knows damn well Cartoon Cat will murder him, too." 

You go over to her and you hug her. She hugs you back and says, "You've got me, (Y/N). I'll stick with you for however long I can." You sigh and you say, "You too, Hillary." She strokes your hair and she says, "We need to stay strong." You say, "Yeah." 

You hear your mom yelling up, "(Y/N) darling! Supper's ready! Hillary's more than welcome to join us!" You pull away and you say, "Be right down, mother!" You and Hillary get up and you say, "Come on." 

You and Hillary both walk out of your room and you stumble a bit. You head downstairs. Hillary says, "Hey, (Y/N). You alright? You're looking a bit weak right now." You say, "Y-yeah. I'm fine. I just haven't eaten anything since Linda and Ronnie were killed." Hillary says, "My god."

You get down there and there's your mom and one of your maids. It's Barbara. Barbara smiles and says, "Come with us, madame (Y/N)." Your mom approaches you and she says, "And (Y/N) dear. Please try to eat more. I understand the devastation of losing your friend Linda, but please... eat something this time. You've skipped your meals long enough." You say, "Okay, mama." She and Barbara lead you to the dining room.

You get in there and your dad's sitting at the table already. He sees you and Hillary and he says, "There you two are. And you heard your mother, (Y/N). Do eat. We can tell you're looking a bit faint, sweetheart." 

You say, "I'll be fine." Walter notices something is up and he approaches you saying, "Miss. (L/N)?" You say, "I'm... fine." You suddenly feel a bit dizzy and you start to faint. The others gasp. Hillary yells, "(Y/N)!" Your dad gets up and rushes to you. Your mom catches you and yells, "Darling!!" Everyone gets to you. 

Your dad picks you up and he says, "(Y/N)! Honey, wake up!" You can't wake up, but they hear a slight sigh from you. Patricia says, "Let's bring her into the living room. Lay her on the couch." Your mom says, "Prepare some water, asap." Barbara nods and says, "Right away, ma'am." The runs into the kitchen. You get taken into the living room.

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