"It's not that big of a deal, Kota," Renesmee chuckled. "Halie, leave him alone before he uses your gift against you and wraps you up in the garden."

The two girls walked away with laughter bubbling from them. Dakota went to find his mother.

"Mom?" Dakota called as he walked up to hers and his fathers room. "Oh God. Where's dad?" He panicked when he noticed his mother was very much in labor.

"Out with Jake and Leah. Get Bella," Katherine tried to focus her breathing.

Dakota ran out of the room and towards Renesmee. "Ren, go get your mom. Mine is kinda in labor. Dad isn't home," as soon as the words left his mouth Renesmee was gone.


Dakota looked down at the little boy in his arms. "I'm just glad he wasn't another Halie," he teased causing his sister to pout.

"I wanna hold Remington too," Halie pouted.

Soon the whole family had made their way to the Clearwater's house. Everyone fussed over the new addition to the family.

"That's the last one. I'm done," Katherine chuckled as she leaned on Seth.

"I'm just glad we have this many babysitters," Seth joked.

"I call first," Rosalie smiled at the couple.

"As long as I can have my full night's of sleep, I don't care who goes first," Katherine teased.

"He's so small," Charlie said as he held the baby.

"And fragile. Be careful," Sue smiled at the boy.


1 year later

"Alright. Gather for assignments," Katherine chuckled.

"Wait we're letting her do the back stories this time?" Emmett asked.

"Dont worry. I've confirmed everything with Alice. Canada is gonna be a blast," Katherine laughed. "Alright family units are as follows. Emmett and Alice, along with me and Bella are all Swan's this go around. Dakota is also a Swan."

"Why aren't we all swans?" Halie protested.

"Because you and Remi are Cullens. You two will be Esme and Carlisle's bio kids. Edward you will still be a Cullen but for funsies your Carlisle's younger brother," Katherine laughed when Edward began to chuckle. "Rosalie and Jasper. Coin toss for Hale or Whitlock and you'll be twins from Carlisle's older brother who sadly passed." Rosalie and Jasper did rock paper scissors to see who's last name they would use. "Us Swan's are Esme's family thanks to dad being her older brother. Seth, Leah, and Jake, you guys are Clearwater's. Your mom married into the big ball of crazy that is the Cullen-Swan bunch. Any questions?"

"Yeah, um, who put you in charge?" Edward teased.

"Alice did. Deal with it, Edweird," Katherine stuck her tongue out at Edward.

"Uh real question," Seth raised his hand. "Are we doing one house or two?"

"Don't worry, Alice called in advance and we will have two houses on one rather large piece of land," Katherine explained.

"I get my own room this time right?" Dakota asked.

"Everyone gets their own room. Other then the ones who are coupled," Alice chuckled.

"Shall we get packed so we don't miss our flight?" Esme brought the chatter to an end.

Everyone went off in their own direction and respective home and packed away what they wanted to take with. It was always a little bittersweet leaving a place they had been in but they were all used to it to some degree.


8 years later

"Come on, Remi. You have to get up for school," Halie was trying to push her younger brother out of his bed. Instead she got rained on. "What the hell! You little-" Halie left him hanging from the ceiling with honeysuckle.

"Put me down!" Remington yelled.

Dakota came into the room and began laughing. "Oh she got you good this time," Dakota chuckled.

"Make them go away," Remington cried.

"What did you do?!" Katherine yelled from behind her eldest son.

"I- it- but it wasn't me. It was Halie," Dakota stuttered.

"Get him down, now!" Katherine huffed before walking away. "Seth! Your kids!"

"Ha. I'm not in trouble," Dakota laughed as he made the plant disappear. As soon as it was gone Remington fell face first onto his bed.

"I hope you weren't involved in what has your mother upset," Jacob spoke up from behind Dakota.

"Nope just helping my dumb brother down from the ceiling," Dakota shrugged.

"Go get ready for school before you make one of us late," Jacob pushed him out of the room.

"This sucks. I'm 24 and I look like a teen and I'm stuck going to high school for the rest of my immortal life," Dakota complained.

"Welcome to the club. Now go," Jacob laughed at his son.

Mornings were always chaotic in their houses. Emmett could be heard laughing as he watched or listened to the chaos. Everyone was happy even Charlie and Sue, who worried they had made the wrong choice.  From time to time they would get visits from Billy. He would bring them photos of new additions to the family even though Rachel made sure to always mail them updated. Life couldn't get better for the chaotic coven of vampires, hybrids, and shapeshifters.


A/N: I finally decided I would just drop the rest of the book. Hope you enjoyed it. I may eventually leave snippets of their lives but for now this is it. 🙂

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