Ch.3: Food Court Shootout

Start from the beginning

Frank: Your uh... girlfriend sent us to find you.

Brad: Who, Jessie!?

Brad tries to look up, but gets shot at again.

Brad: Dammit!

The man continues to shoot at the three before he stops to reload.

Brad: OK, we'll have to talk about this both know how to use those guns?

Jason: Yeah, I've got some experience.

Frank: I've never fired at a person.

Brad gets up to take some more shots before getting back down into cover.

Brad: Alright, I'll cover you both from here. You need to stick to the shadows. Try to get close to the target, OK?

Frank: And what are we supposed to do when we get close!?

This time, Jason pops out of cover to take some shots at the man, before going back into cover.

Jason: We shoot the bastard Frank.

Brad: But if you can't do that...

Brad then hands frank an extra magazine for his gun.

Brad: Keep him busy dodging your bullets and stay out of trouble. You two up for it?

Frank: I'm a lot better with a camera, but yeah I'll give it a shot.

Brad then looks at Jason for confirmation.

Jason: Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo.

Brad: Alright. Next time he reloads, I'll lay down a suppressing fire. I'm counting on you two. Make your way over there.

Brad then points at one of the archways that lead to the dining area.

Brad: 1...2...3!

Brad gets up and starts shooting at the man while Frank and Jason make their way to the archway.

As Jason and Frank run for cover, Jason shoots at the man to keep him busy. Frank and Jason jump behind the counter of a frozen yogurt shop. The man continues to shoot at the two, but this gives Brad the ability to move in closer and take some shots at the man.

The man turns around to try and shoot Brad, but Jason moves to another spot and shoots at the man.

The man shoots back at Jason, but his machine gun clicks, signifying that he needs to reload. Before he does that, he pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it at Jason. The grenade lands close to Jason's position and looks at it wide eyed before jumping out of the way, narrowly avoiding the explosion. Frank looks over at his friend in worry.

Frank: Jason! You alright!?

Jason: Yeah! I'm good!

Frank starts to shoot at the man, but he's not as proficient in firearms as Jason, so most of his shots miss their mark.

The man, feeling the pressure of three people shooting at him, decides to change his position and moves to the roofs of the food stalls. The man takes out more grenades and throws them at the three men who manage to avoid the explosions.

Jason focuses his shots and shoots a bullet at the man that manages to graze the man's cheek. When he was grazed, the man takes cover behind a sign.

Brad: You get him!?

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