Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 *Harry's POV*

A/N: Enjoy! : )

'C'mon think Harry' I was rushing around my flat getting everything together for my date with Jade. This date has to go perfect. "Mittens, I already gave you your cuddles. I love you but I have to go now." I patted the little Kitten's head then called Zayn. He picked up after the third ring.

"Hello?" "Zayn where the hell are you?!" "I'm at the door mate, calm down" I hung up and ran toward the door to let Zayn in. "All the stuff is in the kitchen, here's the spare key. You know where to bring it?" "Yes, you made sure I knew since Monday." He chuckled. "Ok, I'm going," and with that I started walking out. "Good luck mate." "Thanks." I got to my car and cleared my head on the way to Haley's.


I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. It opened revealing a stunning looking Jade.

*Jade's POV*

"Hi Haz" "Hello gorgeous ready to go?" I nodded. I still can't believe this is happening, it's so surreal. We got in the car and started driving. "So where are we going?" I asked curiously. "That's for me to know and for you to find out soon." He smirked at me before looking back at the road.

 I crossed my arms and pouted. "Jade, don't be like that. You'll love this date." I sighed letting my hands fall into my lap. "I trust you." I smiled and so did he.


We arrived at this park with this really beautiful lake. Harry parked the car and we both got out. He then grabbed my hand and led me to this big oak tree. The closer we got I could make out a picnic. "Mr. Styles" "That's me" "So romantic." "I'm glad you like it so far."

 We sat down and enjoyed chicken salad with fruits, chips and beverages. "Did you make the salad?" I asked. "Yeah" he replied sheepishly. "It's so good! Do you cook a lot" "Not anymore, I usually just heat something up in the microwave." "I think you should cook more often."

"Only if you join me to help eat it" "Hmm, sounds like a plan." We finished eating and rested a bit. "Can we go to the park?" I asked earning a chuckle from Harry. "Sure" "Last one there is a germ!" I shouted already running towards the swings. I glanced behind me to see Harry hot on my trail.

"I'm coming!" I heard him shout. I couldn't help the laughs that were escaping my mouth. I made it and started doing a victory dance. "You're fast" he said panting. "Yeah, well." We both sat in a swing and started going as high as we could.

"Jump!" "No! I'm to high" I yelled. Harry jumped and landed with an omph! "I'll catch you" I was a little skeptical but shouted "Ok on 3" I took a deep breath, "1...2...3, AHH!" I closed my eyes expecting to hit the floor, but when I opened my eyes I saw Harry's pretty face looking back at mine.

"I told you I'd catch you." He set me down. "That's why I jumped." It felt like time stopped all around us. I felt Harry's hot breath on my lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in. I closed mine and met him half-way.

 When out lips touched I could feel a spark throughout my body. His lips were soft and the kiss was gentle. Just then a loud thunder was heard. I looked up as it started to pour. "Are you kidding me!" I shouted.

Harry just laughed and brought me in for another kiss which I gladly accepted. When we separated Harry told me, "I've always wanted to kiss a girl in the rain" I smiled and pecked his lips again. "We should get going" he said. "Yeah." We gathered up our stuff and headed back to Haley's. "Can you hang for a few?" hoping the night wouldn't come to an end just yet.

 "Of course" Harry then parked the car. We got out still soaked and I unlocked the door. "I'm home with-" Haley and Liam were making out on the couch. "Um" Haley said getting up. "Why are you guys soaking wet?" Liam questioned. "It rained" Harry replied, causing Liam to roll his eyes. "Well get out of those wet clothes and I'll through everything into the dryer," Haley said.

"Harry, I should have some clothes here you can borrow" "Already moved in Payno," "No Styles." Harry followed Liam while I changed into some PJ's. I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it to find Harry in a pair of Liam's sweats and a tank-top.

"May I join you?" "You don't need to ask twice." He came in and sat on the bed. "I'll put in a movie if that's ok with you." "Yeah." I quickly grabbed a random DVD and put it in. I got under the covers with Harry who immediately wrapped his arms around me. "Thanks for tonight, I had so much fun." "You're welcome. Thanks for agreeing to be my girlfriend." He kissed the top of my head as I smiled.

 "We can tell everyone now," I stated. "I'm pretty sure Liam and Haley know" Harry added. "No doubt, but we'll still announce it when everyone is all together." "Whatever is good for you babe." We watched 'Just go with it' but, I really didn't pay attention to any of it.

I just listened to the steady beat of Harry's heart as I laid my head on his chest. Soon enough I heard little snores coming from Harry so I closed my eyes not bothering to shut off the tv.

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