Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 *Jade's POV*

I giggled again as Harry kissed my nose. I was sitting on Harry's lap on the couch. The TV long forgotten about. "Have you ever been ice skating?" I looked at him funny. "That was so random," I chuckled. "Answer the question would you" He smiled making his dimple show, causing me to poke it. "Yes, during winter." "Well, they opened this ice skating rink and I thought we could go check it out."

"I don't have a beanie or scarf and all that good stuff," I replied all bummed out. "You honestly didn't think I'd have you covered?" "Huh?" "I had Haley pick up all that stuff this morning and drop it off." "You're so cheeky, but I love you." "I love you too, now go get ready."

I changed into jeans, a T-shirt and jacket. Haley got me a purple and black beanie matching the gloves and scarf. I love that girl. I laid down on the floor and smiled before screaming for Harry. I heard something drop and footsteps coming closer. I closed my eyes.

"Jade, what happened?!" Panic filled his voice. I wouldn't dare open my eyes. He came closer and must've knelt down. "Oh Jade, my beautiful girlfriend. Why leave me when I need you most." I puckered my lips hoping he'd take the hint. I heard him chuckle. "My dear princess needs to be awoken by her prince charming, no worries..."

I mentally face palmed and rolled my eyes. I finally felt his lips attach to mine. When he pulled back I slowly opened my eyes. "You're awake!" "I was the whole time, I just wanted a kiss," I said getting up. He looked at me dumbfounded. "All that for a kiss you can get whenever you want?" "I also like when you freak out. I think it's...cute"

"Cute" he said getting up and towering over me making me look up at him. "I'll have you know men aren't cute, I'm manly." "You're cute to me." I went on my tip toes and pecked his lips. "Let's go" I said walking out of the room.

This place is massive. The building holds two ice rinks, one for skating and the other for hockey and other games. I got the white ice skates while Harry got the brown ones. It took us a little time to put them on, but we managed. "You ready," Harry said holding his hand out for me. I nodded and gladly took his hand.

Harry stepped onto the ice, still holding my hand as I was stepping onto the ice. We started off slowly, hands still intertwined making our way around the rink. "This is nice, thank you," I said softly. Harry faced me so he was now slightly skating backwords. "I love you, no need to say thank you. You deserve everything good in life."

He took his hand that wasn't intertwined with mine and ran it gently across my cheek. "I love you too," I stated. Our session only lasted about an hour and a half, and then we left. "Harry, can we stop at Haley's so I can pick up a few things?" "Of course love."

We stopped at Haley's and I pecked Harry on the lips before telling him I'll be quick. I walked in and ran into Liam. "Oh....hey Jade." He smiled. "Hey Liam, sorry about that." I saw him holding whipped cream and considering he only had boxers on I ran up to my room, gathered my things as quickly as possible and ran out of the house back into Harry's car.

"Why are you so out of breath?" he asked putting the bag I retrieved from the house in the backseat. "Well I don't think Haley thought I would come home today. That's all I'm saying." Harry raised a brow at me in confusion. "Okay?" With that we drove off.

"Haaarrrryyyy!" I laid in Harry's bed wondering what the heck he was up to. "Yes?" he stood in the door frame with the cutest smile on his face and his hands behind his back. "What're you up too?" "Nothing" he giggled. I spread my arms wide open, "I want my Harreh cuddles" I whined making Harry laugh but he ran over to me and jumped into my arms making me let out a yelp before we both started laughing.

I looked into his beautiful eyes before leaning into give him a kiss. Harry deepened the kiss before running his tongue along the bottom of my lip asking for entrance. I gladly opened my mouth letting Harry's tongue explore. I love Harry so much, I would never in a million years of thinking I'd grow up alone being some creepy old cat lady that I would find this amazing human being that I love so much.

We separated from lack of air but our foreheads still rested on each other's. "I love you" I breathlessly whispered. "I love you too. Don't forget that" he slowly pecked my already swollen lips. I smiled before hoping out of bed. "Stay" I told Harry as he chuckled and laid back. I ran over to the bag I retrieved from Haley's and got out the present that I gotten for Harry.

It was wrapped in a navy blue paper with an orange ribbon on it. I got back in the bad and handed Harry the gift. "You didn't have to" I shook my head, "No, I want you to have this because I love you" He pecked my lips before unwrapping the gift. "Jade..." he was speechless as he looked

Me on Harry's back both of us smiling, this was right after I agreed to be Harry's girlfriend. "Thank you...I....I love it" he kissed me again before getting out of bed and putting the frame in the corner of his desk where he kept his journal. "When did you put this together?" he asked coming back to bed. "Harry, I'll always have time for you" He nodded before we got into our cuddling position and just enjoyed being together.

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