Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A/N: Hey!! How are you?? I hope you like the pairing I have done : )

*Saturday* ~Zayn's House~

I arrived at Zayn's house wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt. I also supplied the beer. I knocked and Niall answered. "Finally mate, we've been waiting on you." "Sorry." I smiled and made it to the kitchen to put the beer away. Zayn lived in a gated community and Louis actually lived a block away. All in all we lived in a 20 minute distance from each other.

I made my way to the living room to see Liam and Louis on the couch while Zayn and Niall were standing in front of them. "Take a seat mate," Zayn said. I took a seat next to Louis and Zayn started to talk. "So we've been nervous to tell you guys about this but we think we're ready." He looks to Niall to continue. "I've moved in with Zayn because we've been dating for a little over 4 months." Zayn took a hold of Niall's hand and squeezed it for reassurance that everything would be okay. Louis, Liam and I jumped up to congratulate them and tell them that we would never think different of them. I thought they made an adorable couple.

The evening consisted of the usual, video games, eating, drinking and joking around with each other. At about 9pm I received a text from a random number. My eyes widened when I read the message. Hey Harry it's Jade : ) I quickly saved her name in my contacts and replied. Hey what's up? Thankfully the guys didn't notice my lack of presence. Haley fell asleep on me. So now I'm bored. lol I chuckled to myself. What a party pooper : ( "Mate, your turn," Louis said handing me a PlayStation controller. "Uh, yeah." I sent another quick text to Jade saying I'll talk to her later.

I made sure not to drink to much considering I have to drive home. Liam doesn't drink what-so-ever, so he just had his glass of apple juice which I can't help but laugh at every time I see him take a sip. Niall, Zayn, and Louis however were drunk. Liam agreed to take Louis home. Liam and I said bye to Niall and Zayn before heading out. "Harry?" "Yea" I turned from my car to look at Liam who just finished helping Louis into the passenger seat.

"Haley, Jade and I are going to hang out tomorrow. Want to join?" "Sure" "Alright, we are meeting at Haley's house so I'll just text you the address." "Ok, sounds good. What time?" "11am," I smiled before getting in my car to go home and snuggle with Mittens.


I woke up at 9 and checked my phone to see Liam had texted me Haley's address and a text from Jade saying 'sorry she fell asleep.' I tried texting her again last night, so that explains that. Instead of replying, I made breakfast and poured food for Mittens. After eating my eggs and toast I got dressed. I tried to style my mess of curls and left by 10:15. I didn't get lost, which surprised me.

Haley also lived in a gated community. Her house was of an average size. I walked up to the door and knocked. I was greeted by Haley, "Hey Harry!" "Hey!" she let me in and then I followed her past the kitchen and dinning room to the living room where I spotted Liam and Jade on the couch. Jade had her hair down and was wearing a sundress with converse, I don't know what it is when girls wear that combination of clothes, but it makes my insides tingle.

"Hey mate" Liam waved. "Hi, Harry" Jade smiled. "Hey" I felt my face getting hot. "So to the mall?" Haley asked. "Yeah, babe let's go." Liam got up and stood by Haley. "We are taking my car." We left the house and we got into Haley's blue Nisan, I sat in the back with Jade while Haley drove and Liam sat in the passenger seat.


The mall was only a half hour drive, so we made small talk. When we got to the mall, Haley separated walking and looking into stores together. I learned that she liked rings like me, t-shirts, earrings, photography, perfume and Alex and Ani bracelets so she says. I told her how I love to bake and sing as well as working out. We got along well and she was very easy to talk to.

I held her bags even though she protested. We went to the food court to take a break, and we both ordered a slice of pizza with a bottle of water. "I've had fun so far with you" Jade said, as we took a seat at a table. "Yeah, I've been having fun as well," I smiled. "I'm glad we get to hand out Tuesday as well." "Yes, same. So tell me a little about New York if that's ok."

"Well I moved out into my own house. I used to live with my mom, dad and two sisters." "That's nice. How did you meet Haley?" "We went to school together in New York but she moved to London to attend college. She's lucky she picked up the British accent." She rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, but I like your accent, it's unique here." "Thanks" I caught her blushing.

"JADE!" I jumped a little as Haley took a seat next to Jade. "Hey Hales" "Where's Liam?" "He is getting lunch for us." I looked up to see Liam holding a handful of bags and the tray of food. I laughed before getting up to help him. Liam took a seat next to me as Haley and him shared Chinese. "I only have one more store to go to and Jade I'm pretty sure you skipped that one too," Haley chuckled. "You know me to well" Jade said.

We threw our trash out and followed the girls. "Uh I see" Liam said, I looked at him then the store and couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face. 'Victoria Secret.' We walked in and the girls started looking around and picking things out. I stood by Liam who looked like a lost puppy. "Liam you're going to be ok mate" I chuckled. He nodded.

The girls finally finished and we made it back to Haley's. "Well I have to get going but thanks for today, I had fun." "No problem, you can join us anytime." "I'll see you guys soon" I drove back to my apartment. Every time I thought back to Jade my heart skipped beats. I couldn't wait until Tuesday. Hopefully Monday will go by quick and painless.

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