The winners write history.

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- Father. What you said earlier about her putting labels on herself. It made me think.

- Yes?

- Well what if we, this sounds a bit "messed up", but I have a plan. I want Irvin to claim that I have a mental diagnosis that impairs my social ability. If everything goes right, then we can file both Kevin and PizzoPapparazzo for discrimination and make them pay up. What do you say?

-...My boy, I love you, but that is the MOST idiotic idea that I have ever heard of. HOW on EARTH is that going to work?? You think you can convince them on the spot like that??
- Hold on, Olle exclaimed. This might actually work! My god why haven't I thought of this before! This is genius Angelo!! What should we say?

- Wait what are you-

- Autism! Oh wait no, aspbergers! That's even worse!

- Wait wait wait now, Irvin yelled. You can't just put a diagnosis on someone like that! 

- Yes you can!

- It needs a thorough investigation by a medical professional!

- Nuh-uh! I have plenty of friends whose doctors just diagnosed them with ADD like it was a free pass! They don't even have issues concentrating!! They just don't like studying and wanna play video games all day! Come on Irvin, this is our only chance! 

- Hm, Joni thought to herself. I can see how this will work, there is a clear difference in theory and in practice.

- Now wait a minute, Frisk the lawyer entered the conversation. This is not fair play, and I can not go through with this. Now we are just playing dirty with a serious case! 

- Kevin is playing even dirtier than us! Sorry but life isn't fair! The reason why the bad guys get ahead in life is because they dare to play dirty! and if we're gonna beat the bad guys we're going to have to play their game too! 

- But-

Besides! This might give Angelo the help that he actually needs, and put Kevin and everyone else in place! THIS is justice, THIS is what we have to do! If you want to talk about being fair, then this is as fair as it can possibly get!

- .....Boy, you know that you would make an extremely proficient lawyer, right?

- Huh? Oh, haha, thank you. 

- Angelo, Joni asked. We can't simply forget about you, this is your case after all. Are you sure you want to go through with this or not?

- .....................

- ...Well?

- I am very sure. 

- Huh? 

- Wait! Olle said. are acrually serious with this?

Angelo looked at Olle and Joni, with eyes of patience and resolve, showing that he sees the end door and is ready to enter it.

- Yes, Joni, tell your father to give me a diagnosis. I admit that I did not actually care for this trial at first, or whatever result that would come from it, but if this means that everything can go back to normal again and that all respective sides will get their resolutions from it, then I will go through with it. 

Irvin sighed, looking a bit worried but having faith in Olle's plan as it might be the solution to their problem. 

- Alright, let's do this. Oh boy, you have been the worst and best client that I have ever had.


Two girls were walking with each other, holding each other's hands, knowing that there was a wrong that had to be set right. The wrong in this case wasn't Angelo but the situation that had unfolded around him. Two crowds were intervening and fighting over a matter that didn't concern them, and the two crowds had acknowledged the two women approaching the courtroom. 

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