Epilogue - Liu/Sully

Start from the beginning

When nobody answered, Y/n decided to try and open the door instead. If nobody was home, they wouldn't mind her using their little abode as a temporary shelter from the cold, right?

Y/n tried the door handle and felt relief wash over her body. Just as she twisted it, the sound of crunching snow became clear to her ears, and it was growing louder by the second. Y/n spun around, throwing up her hands to block her face and to fight back if needed, but thankfully, the steps had slowed considerably.

"Y/n!" A surprised, familiar voice called her name, and the crunching of the snow beneath their feet came to a halt. They were tall and cast a slight shadow over her shivering form. When Y/n lowered her hands, she felt the weight of dread lift from her shoulders.

Before her, Liu stood breathing quickly, small puffs of air left his lips in heavy succession. She stared at him, wide-eyed, but finally, finally relaxed fully. Y/n laughed weakly and a small smile appeared on her face.

"You...you scared me," she brought one of her hands up to rub the top of her face, warmth tingling from her ears. Liu's eyes curled up as he smiled as well, stepping closer.

"Sorry...I, we, just got the message to come here," his brows creased as Sully popped in to interject before Liu could get ahead of himself, "s-since it's so cold...I just couldn't keep you waiting."

Liu reached out with his left hand, brushing against her right arm for a moment before the door behind her let out a soft click. Y/n released her weight against the frame before she could fall back and lightly pushed the door open with the back of her foot.

Surprisingly enough, the house was warm. Spinning and stepping inside caused her skin to slowly flush with warmth, goosebumps spreading across her skin quickly. Liu stepped inside not long after, shutting the door behind him. The cold air that had wandered its way inside would disappear slowly.

There was a jointed kitchen and living room on the first floor, small, but very nice. It had what any kitchen and living room would have, so Y/n's first idea was to opt for the couch nearby so she could rest her feet.

Though, before she could make any move toward the furniture, a hand grasped her right wrist and tugged her back toward Liu's figure. His other arm came to wrap around her back, keeping her in a firm hold against him.

"What, no thanks?" Sully's voice tickled her ear as his chin came down to place lightly against her shoulder, the sore area causing her to wince, but he didn't pull away, "the boss-man's message seemed really...commanding."

He squeezed her once, his hot breath hitting the shell of her ear, "actually, it was more like he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer."

Sully chuckled and then quickly released Y/n, lifting his chin from her shoulder. Y/n turned around, taking a tentative step back. The male gazed down at her, his lips parting, then closing, unsure whether or not to say something in response to the other entity's own actions.

"Sorry- it's not that I don't agree with him- not that I mean you have to thank us! But.." He reached up and aggressively scratched the back of his head in irritation. Not at her, but at himself as he tried to find the correct words, "I don't know. It just seemed...urgent? I thought you were hurt."

Y/n's look changed, a bit of amusement and softness glimmering in her e/c eyes, "well, I guess I am hurt...but I can't really feel the pain anymore," she looked down at her leg, ghosting a hand over it, "which I don't know if that's a good or bad thing."

"You're cold?" Liu asked quickly while his eyes flickered, his hands coming up to grip the end of his dual-colored scarf, yet again, just as he did so, the green light in his eyes flashed dull, his expression coming from worried, to neutral, to conniving. His hands released the scarf and instead came to place on Y/n's shoulders instead.

"Cold?" He repeated, "I have a few things that could help with that."

Then, before she could react (it's not like she would anyways), Sully leaned in quickly, one of his hands coming to rest on the back of her neck to pull her close as his lips met with her own. She could feel the brush of the scars across Liu's face on her own skin as warmth filled her face. Y/n didn't pull away, rather, she slowly brought her hands to wrap around the back of the other's neck, bringing him closer.

Their breaths were mixed, somewhat heavy, but, as much as it was...intimate, kissing him did indeed cause her to grow warmer. Her heart raced quickly. Sully stepped forward, closer, forcing Y/n to take a step back.

Yet, either this was part of Sully's plan or it was by pure coincidence, Y/n felt the heel of her shoe catch an uplifted board of some kind, or maybe it was Sully's own way of tripping her up. They parted unceremoniously, both their eyes snapping wide as Y/n couldn't unwrap her arms quick enough from around Liu's neck. Her heart lurched in sudden shock and fear.

The two tumbled downwards.

Down onto the couch.

Y/n found herself staring upwards, her back against the first couch cushion, her legs bent over the armrest of the couch, like it was a chair while she lay there. Liu towered over her, hands on either side of her head with his long legs bent at an odd angle over the armrest as well, but not pressing against her legs at all. The two of them stared at each other for a moment, catching their breath from the blissful kiss and the sudden fall. Both their hearts were racing though, but who knew if it was because of the small tumble, or their kiss.

Though, it was the flicker in one eye that caught her attention. For the first time in forever, she saw that Liu and Sully were both sharing the current body, the current moment. Perhaps they both came to a shared agreement? Or decided on something that they both wanted to enjoy.

With the voice of Liu and the sly look of Sully, his lips parted as he leaned forward, his face nearing her own.

"Okay, princess...what now?"


Route completed

[Up next; Eyeless Jack]

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