Chapter 31} The Silent Walk Home: Trilly's POV

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As Dawn cries part of my soul breaks. Nikko was like a brother to me. Sure we argued but that's what siblings do. The pain Dawn must be in hurts me. Dawn puts the ring on their finger.

Gwen and I knew he was "proposing" to Dawn. I watch and they take the hat off his head. Dawn puts his hat on their head and starts stroking his hair. I hug Gwen as I feel my eyes get teary. What are they going to tell Sydnie?

Dawn Takes Nikko's boots and shirt. Leaving him in his jeans only. Dawn stands and silently starts walking over to Warren. No one dares to say anything. Dawn then starts to beat her hands against his chest sobbing more.

"This is all your fault! I hate you, you ruined my life you horrible human, you!" They scream.

"Dawn," Gwen says. Dawn ignores Gwen and starts beating his chest harder. You can hear several of his ribs crack.

"You're a monster, I loved him... and YOU stole him. You stole him." Dawn's voice cracks at that last part. They pull a knife and start stabbing Warren in the stomach, his blood splattering on their face. Their hands are soaked in a crimson-colored liquid after they stop. Dawn just starts at his dead body as it lies there.

Gwen goes up behind Dawn and puts a hand on their should. Dawn turns around, they have tears and blood dripping down their face. Gwen drops to the ground and hugs them.

"Why?" Dawn asks as Gwen hugs them.

"I don't know, but I know it's not your fault," Gwen tells them. I look over to see the sun just starting to set. Dawn stands up without saying another word and starts to walk toward the house.

Gwen, Jess, and I all look at each other and start following them. Jess catches up to Dawn, she grabs Dawn's hand. Once we get a bit closer I grab onto Gwen's hand.

"I'm nervous about how Sydnie will take the news," I tell Gwen

"Me too, she's just a kid," Gwen agrees. Once we get home Dawn finds Sydnie and tells her the news.

Syndie starts to cry. For the short time, they were and family Nikko and Syndie loved each other. Sydnie just lost her father, it's sad.

Sydnie went to bed before us older people. Gwen told me and Jess that Dawn is using she/her pronouns now because they feel that way. After that, the four of us sit on the two couches. The room is silent til I broke it.

"What are we going to do at the moment?" I ask the group.

"Here," Jess says handing everyone a beer from a bag. "Warren killed someone and I took that person's pack which had two six-packs of beer.

"Smart," Gwen says popping theirs open.

"Fudge it," I say opening mine and drinking some. Dawn doesn't say anything she just starts drinking water because she can't have beer.

"So, am I on the team now?" Jess asks.

"I would say so," Gwen says. Dawn and I nod.

"So what were all your secrets? Mine was that I fudged Dawn and I'm a lesbian." Jess asks.

"Well I'm a pyromaniac," I tell her.

"I'm an illegal gambler and I'm a kleptomaniac," Gwen says.

"And Dawn was a lesbian sex worker," I say for Dawn. Her seemingly not wanting to talk.

"I already knew that, I'm a cheerleader I had to hear a lot about it. Especially from Olivia, her girlfriend." Jess says.

"She's my ex now," Dawn says finishing her.

"Sorry, I didn't know the situation," Jess apologizes.

"Nikko was my boyfriend and I loved him," Dawn says in a flat tone before grabbing more water and leaving the room. She goes to the room she shared with Nikko.

"I'm going to go check on her," Jess tells us before walking away. I feel bad for Dawn. She's so heartbroken.

"I wish I could mend Dawn's heart," Gwen says.

"That makes us both," I tell them. We go up to our room. I stop to check on Sydnie before I go to sleep. She was peacefully asleep.

Instead of going to bed I went to the couch and read because I couldn't sleep. When I got tired of listening to the noise coming from Dawn's room I went upstairs and cuddled Gwen. Thinking about what's going to happen.

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