Chapter 26} Apologies Aren't Bull: Gwen's POV

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Trilly, Nikko, and I are eating bread and jam downstairs when we hear a shatter from the bathroom upstairs. I run right away to the door. I open it to see Dawn sobbing while being covered in cuts from shards of glass. They're holding a small weirdly shaped thing in their hands.

"What happened? And what's in your hands? Are you ok?" I ask them, getting down on my knees so I'm at their eye level.

They hand the thing to me. It's a positive pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant?" I exclaim as everyone else runs to the bathroom.

"We're pregnant!" Nikko cheers, picking Dawn up and hugging them.

Trilly has grabbed bandages and starts wrapping them around Dawn's cuts.

"You fudging did this!" I say to Nikko. Mr. Tiny Cowboy with his stupid hat and small boots. Don't forget that dumb accent and his stupid two different eye colors. That little crap does not get to impregnate my Dawn. I'm about to strangle him when Trilly puts her arm around my waist.

"You're dang lucky I don't kill you," I warn Nikko through gritted teeth.

"Sorry!" He says

"You should be," I tell him

"It's not his fault, it's my fault. I'm a dumb mess up!" Dawn cries.

"Dawn, you are NOT a mess up. just because your partner can't get his stuff together doesn't mean you're a mess up," I said comfortingly.

"What is your problem? It was an accident. I would never do this to hurt them!" Nikko says, standing up to his full height. Yet I still tower over him.

"Sure. You can say that, but it doesn't make it true." I reply.

"I swear! I love Dawn and want to protect them just like you want to! This isn't even about you." Nikko says.

"They're my siblings! I think I'm allowed to care about them." I start crying.

"Shut the heck up, both of you! Do you realize how stupid this argument is? You both are right, so shut the fudge up. If you can't get along, get out! Dawn doesn't need this right now." Trilly yells. Nikko and I are both quiet. We glare at each other.

"If they die I'm blaming it on you!" I say, walking out.

"That's it! Leave!" Trilly says, pushing Nikko past me out the door. She slams the door in our faces. I hear Dawn crying from outside the bathroom.

"Thanks a lot, Gwen," Nikko says, rubbing his eyes like he's tired. He walks downstairs and out of sight. At first, I went to Trilly and my room, but I couldn't sit still, so I decided to take a walk.

Outside, a storm is brewing, but I don't give a crap. I walk for a bit then sit on a log in the woods, near a pond. I don't even wince when it starts to rain. At least it's not a purple storm.

I think of the album purple rain. I've always been one to enjoy old music but Prince was never my favorite. I'm more of an AC/DC and Journey kinda person.

I went back to the house after sitting with my thoughts. I go down the hall. I should talk to Nikko, after all, I deserve an apology. I silently walk into Dawn and Nikko's room.

"No matter what I do, I'm not good enough. I'll never be good enough." Nikko mutters. Dawn is asleep with their head on his legs. He looks up when I come in, wiping tears from his cheeks.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I've come for my apology. I figure I deserve one." I reply.

"Ha. You don't need an apology, I do. You're the one who was being an ashhole and you started it too. So I'll wait for your apology now." Nikko retorts.

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