Chapter 3} Hurricane in My Head: Dawn's POV

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As we are being dragged out of that gosh damn bar by these security dudes, I see Warren smoking weed. All he ever does these days is smoking weed with his friends. He follows us outside. Ugh. The security guys throw us to the ground outside the bar. I noticed Warren was snickering at us, he seemed very high.

I play on both the football and boys' wrestling teams with him. Warren's father coaches for community service after being arrested–don't ask.

Despite stereotypes, the football team is full of highly educated, nice guys. Other than the pretentious douchebag himself, Warren. I tell the guys everything. I told them about Warren harassing me and all the other messed up things he did to me.

Since his father is a coach, he can't get kicked off. No matter how much proof we have of things he did. The principal isn't any help either. The principle bets a lot of money on our team and can't lose his star player.

We also have to get drug tested frequently. I do drugs which is "bad," but I feel like I have to do it, as it's an addiction. The boys warn me a day in advance so it's not in my system. I do a lot of heroin, especially.

Don't forget the cheerleaders, those girls love me. At the end of each game, I might make out with a few of them. None of the girls minded sharing me, at least that was what they told me. Sometimes I'll be very high and make out with every one of them but, I don't count it as cheating when I've made sure it's cool with them. Jessika and her two goons are the only ones I haven't made out with. I've made out with one of the goons, Vianna, a couple of times though.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" I question Warren, snapping back into reality.

"Two pussy ass bitches," he laughs out. That's when I had enough. The security had gone back inside. So I grabbed my emergency pocket knife that I carry with me wherever I go, for safety.

He walks towards me; reaching out for me. The alley is dark with minimal street lighting. The city we live in is a physically dark town. We live basically in the middle of nowhere in a town most likely from the early 20th century.

He grabs my knife and throws it on the pavement. He slinks his left arm around my waist and grasps my left breast with his right hand.

I fight to get out of his grasp, but he's too strong. Mostly for the fact he's the captain of both the wrestling and football teams.

I look over to get Gwen's help, but they are knocked out from hitting their head on the pavement. It must have been from when the security guys physically threw us out and to the ground. They can hear me, and it seems like nobody else will help me, just like always.

Warren tries to undress me, but I continue to barely resist his grip. He backs me up, slamming me into the wall. He's so high from the drugs, he's blackout high at this point. Not only that, but he backs me up into the wall, causing me to hit my head, and weakening me.

Then, he gets my shirt off, hence, lowering me to the ground. No, I continue to fight him as he starts to suck and bite the skin on my neck. I reach for my blade on the ground. Sadly, I fall short of the knife, with my fingers not quite reaching.

Finally, I grasp the blade in my fingers, noticing hickeys lining my chest and neck from him. As he's trying to take off my bra, I lift his chin and run my knife along his inner lip. His mouth drips crimson blood onto my shirt.

"Kiss my blade, you bitch!" I say. He jumps back in pain, lip bleeding onto the pavement.

I push him back at the wall and kick his head into it. Knocking him out. I readjust my bra and put my crop top and jacket back on. Then, I sling Gwen onto my small shoulders, running us home.

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