Chapter 16} Walk in the Forest: Trilly's POV

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Dawn's confession makes me sad. This Warren, whoever it is, is a fudging ashhole. I hope he gets what's coming for him. But now Dawn has run out of our cave. Everyone else sits there. I'm the first to speak.

"Nikko, we all know you have a thing for Dawn. It's pretty obvious. You should go comfort them. They might take it better from you." I say, pushing him a little. Nikko stumbles to his feet and dashes out of the cave. We hear them talk for a little bit and then they're quiet.

"Are they kissing?" Gwen whispers, leaning over so that I can hear what they're saying. I nod.

"I think so," I say. Gwen smiles.

"Good for them. So, you mentioned that your parents are divorced. Does that make life harder? You don't have to answer if you don't feel like it." Gwen says softly.

"It's ok. I guess that's all I really know. They got divorced when I was really little. I guess I don't know my mom and we'll be sure of that, I only get to see her on holidays. My dads have full custody. And I have two half-siblings on my mom's side, but I don't know them either. Marcus is ten and Lily is three. But I love my family. But yeah. How about you? What's your family like?" I ask.

"Oh, it's not the best. I have Dawn and my other siblings, but my parents are ashholes...ashholes... oh you know what I mean." Gwen replies.

"I'm still getting used to the weird cursing thing." I tell them "What are your siblings' names?" I ask.

"We'll there's Ajax, he's the oldest. He's eighteen. He's pretty cool and he has a girlfriend named Roxanna or Roxie. Then there's Dawn we're sixteen almost seventeen. Our birthday is December seventeenth. Then there's Vanessa. She's eleven and she's a complete drama queen and she's really into clothes and fashion and whatnot, I still love her though. After that, there's Venus, her being the youngest of us at nine. Smartest kid on the planet, I swear to you." Gwen says. Their eyes sparkle when they talk about their siblings. Nikko and Dawn are still out there.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted Gwen complains, adjusting themselves so that they're laying down. I nod.

"Yeah me too." I lied, I'm not that tired, but I don't want to seem stuck up. I want Gwen to like me. I want them to like me.

Gwen has kind of an addictive personality. That might just be my opinion. Gwen settles down and is asleep in moments. I wish I could say the same. I stayed awake for a while. When are Nikko and Dawn coming back? They've been out there kissing forever.

Then they come in quietly. I pretend to be asleep. They snuggle up together. I hope dearly that Nikko is trustworthy. Poor Dawn has been through enough. If Nikko turns out to be an ashhole, I will crush his kneecaps.

After everyone else is asleep, I sit up. I have insomnia, and taking a walk makes it better, so I decided to do that. I make sure to be quiet and exit our cave. I walk around a little, making sure not to get too far away. A twig snaps near me and I freeze. I don't have a weapon on me. I realize how vulnerable I am.

The person I heard comes into a clearing ahead of me. They have black which is cut into a bob. They're wearing a loose white tank top. It's cropped so that it's short. They're wearing tight black ripped jeans, and one of the pant legs has been cut off at the knee, maybe from the cat attack earlier. They don't notice as I slowly back away from where they are. After I can't see them anymore, I turn and bolt away as fast as I can.

I need to get back to the others. I stand outside the entrance to the cave for a second to catch my breath before entering. I can see my reflection in the pond water. My dyed blond hair is poofy and has dirt and sticks stuck in it. I attempt in vain to clean it. My shirt and skirt also have dirt on them.

I enter the cave again. Everyone is covered in grime and their clothes are very ripped up. Gwen's hair is still silky somehow. Dawn is still damp from landing in the pond and has burn marks from the acid rain. We are all such a mess. I lay down on the rock floor and drop off into sleep.

I start to slowly drift off, dreaming of what I hope to not be a nightmare. For I wish that the world right now was only a bad dream. Though I know so far there is no escape and much at stake.

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