Love Me,

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A week later

Felix was laying in the bed of the older, his house was completely destroyed and he just did not want to go back there so for the past week he's been living with the boss. He didn't complain though, ever since the incident his boyfriend has been catering and pampering him endlessly.

Felix rolled around in the bed as he realized his boyfriend wasn't there, he got up slowly looking around to not see the man in sight. "Where is he now ?" The blonde thought.
The blonde was about to get up when the door opened slowly, revealing the man with a tray full of food, a cup of juice and some flowers.
"Good morning my beautiful" Hyunjin said in the most cheerful tone.
"Oh there you are ... I was worried" Felix relayed.
Hyunjin sat the tray down on the side table next to the bed, "why are you worried baby ?" Hyunjin asked.
"Mhm nothing ... I just thought you left me" Felix mumbled. He hated being so clingy, it was so unlike him to want to be stuck to someone like glue.
Hyunjin sat on the bed and leaned over to his boyfriend "No I don't think you're too clingy" it's almost like he can read the blondes mind.
Felix looked over at the man stunned that he said exactly what he was thinking.

Hyunjin did have to go to work today as he had a business meeting to attend to, it wasn't a good look on him that he was missing so much but he did have to take care of his boyfriend. "Eat up my love, I have to go to a meeting at the Kim building today and then the club right after" he sighed.
If he had a choice he'd stay in bed all day, every single day with the blonde.
Felix had a look on his face "jinnie when c-can I go back to the club" he asked hesitantly.
Hyunjin wasn't too fond of the idea, it had only been a week since the kidnapping incident and he didn't think the blonde should go straight to dancing for men again. After what happened.
"Mhmm I don't know baby ... I still think it's way too soon" he looked at the blonde who's face turned from hope to disappointment.
Felix missed the club, he missed performing, he missed his friends.
Yes he did love being with Hyunjin, the idea of never working again and just being taken care of would sound good to anyone but Felix didn't want to lose his individuality. He didn't want to be those kind of people who have no life outside of their relationship.

Hyunjin was getting ready to leave for the meeting, he grabbed everything he needed, kissed the blonde and headed out the door. Leaving the blonde alone.
Felix tried to go back to sleep, he played games on his phone for a while but he couldn't do it. He couldn't stay home anymore, he needed air, he needed to see outside. So he had an idea "I'll visit Hyunjin at work and then go to the club, maybe he'll let me dance when he sees how well I handle it" he suddenly became motivated to get ready and get his life back together.

After he was done getting ready, he needed something to wear. He wasn't used to dressing sexy outside of work but if he's going there to see his husband why not ? He pulled out a cute black cropped jacket with some leather pants, he did his hair and sprayed some of Hyunjin's cologne. Heading out the door. The guards who usually stayed at the house to watch over the blonde were with Hyunjin. So Felix had no issues leaving.
He strutted his way as he called a taxi.

Hyunjin was waiting at the Kim building, he had no clue why they called him for a "meeting" but he couldn't turn the plan down. He was waiting in the loft of the building when a familiar face caught his eye, the last time he saw this girl was down in the basement of his club. Where he left her alone and embarrassed.
"Well look who decided to show his face again" she smiled as she walked towards him.
"Hi, I just came here to see Mr.Kim" he tried to keep the sentences short as he didn't want to continue to speak to her.
"You are shameless Hwang, you agree to marry me and then next thing I know you're fucking a burlesque dancer ?" A male dancer at that" she hissed with a small laugh.

Hyunjin brows began to furrow "how dare she talk about him like that" he told himself.
He wanted to snap on her but he had to remind himself, this is her families building.
She smiled knowing he couldn't do shit to her, "you know Hyunjin, I have always found you so attractive. The way you are able to take control and dominate sends chills through my body. I want you to dominate me..." she started rubbing his shoulder, he tried to move away from her as far as possible.

The Boss and The Burlesque ( Hyunlix ) Where stories live. Discover now