Deal with the Devil

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Hongjoong sat in the chair in his office, he was thinking. Thinking of what options were left.
Maybe San was right, maybe he is holding on to the last thing he had of his wife. She used to walk these floors and sit in this office just as he's doing now but she's not here. The club did amazingly well for a while made more money then the couple knew what to do with and the dancers were like Family.
All of them came from different backgrounds, different families and all had different dreams but life made them all have one thing in common. Which is how they all ended up here. Lily was like a savior to some and a God sent to others.
Hongjoong couldn't leave the club not just because it was everything his wife dreamed of but it's also a home to so many lost souls in need of redirection. It's a source of income for all of them and an inspiration to get out and do better with their lives.

Hongjoong heard a knock on the door "come in" he said. The door swung open with San standing there with a stack of envelopes.
"That better be Fan mail" Hongjoong laughed
San chuckled lightly "aha but no, it's the bills you owe. Debt collectors called they want to know when they're getting paid and oh here's one for the light bill" San skimmed through the pile of mail.
Hongjoong got up and poured himself a drink, swirling it in his hand as he stared blankly at the "PAST DUE"
San looked up to see his dear friend "When are you going to admit this is not working out ? He put the papers down and walked over to the man.
"I don't know what to do, Sannie" Hongjoong grabbed the man and sobbed in his chest.
San surprised by the sudden burst of tears, caressed his back "I know you want to keep this place but you have no other options unless you make that deal" he whispered. "It's either you do it or you lose this place for good, what about all the dancers who depend on this job or the loyal customers who have supported you for years" said the man

Homgjoong sighed "set the meeting for tonight"

Time Lapse >>>

"Mr. Hwang you may go up now" the man was in all black suit with a long black coat, long hair slicked back. He and his entourage were dressed in all black, no emotions on their face, they didn't play around especially when it came to business.
The group entered the office upstairs, where they had a clear view of the tables and stage.
Hongjoong stood there trying to come off as cool and collected but deep inside he was nervous, these men were very intimidating. San on the other hand took charge very quickly, "Yes Mr. Hwang come in and make yourselves comfortable" as he directed them to sit across from the desk.
The group consisted of the boss Hwang Hyunjin, his right hand man Chan, his best friend Minho and his body guard and child hood friend Changbin.
Hyunjin looked around at the office he noticed it was very romantic looking, covered in red velour decor and gold accents. It seemed like it hasn't been clean in years but overall it was nice.
He paced around a few seconds more as he saw the portrait of the woman on the wall,Flowers displayed next to it. "Beautiful picture, is this your daughter ?" The man finally spoke.
Hongjoong glanced over and saw the portrait the man was speaking of his dear Lily. "No sir, my wife"
Hyunjin glanced at it once more before turning around "Love .. marriage it's all cliche don't you think ?" Hongjoong looked at him and smiled "not when you meet the right one sir"
Hongjoong was going to continue but quickly stopped himself which hyunjin took notice.
"You have something to add sir ?" He asked
Hongjoong looked up at him and like word vomit the words just came out "it's ... nothing I just figured .... an attractive man like you, I assumed you were married"
The comment made hyunjin and the rest of his friends laugh the reaction made Hongjoong embarrassed for even asking.
"I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid you got the wrong man, love is temporary just like everything else in this world." Hyunjin exclaimed. "maybe in the next life" he added.

"So let's talk business"

The conversation lasted for an hour mainly questions and protests from Hongjoong who wasn't fully aware of their real plan for the club. The boss and his crew wanted to use the club as a front for an underground gambling ring and escort service.
In the end Hongjoong with San in his ear reminding him that if this deal doesn't go through they can kiss the club goodbye. Agreed.

"Under one condition, my dancers are like my family and I don't want any of them involved in whatever this is... that is all I ask" Hongjoong asked.

The mafia boss smirked "agreed sir, your dancers will not be involved, I do praise you for your loyalty to your people. I will pay you the amount you need monthly in exchange for your space" Hyunjin smiled and handed over a case of money.

The man and his people were about to leave when San interrupted "would you like to stay for the show ? It starts in 30 minutes" the men looked at each other and agreed to stay.

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