That should be me

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Felix pulled out of this kiss from the man, he can't believe he just did that "did I just do that ?" He scolded himself because he knew now the chances of this man leaving him alone is slim.
Regret soon washed over him, he didn't regret the kiss necessarily but the circumstances with the kiss and who.
He can't get with a mafia boss, the danger and the uncertainty that comes with the job. Not to mention the innocent people he hurts. He couldn't be with a man like that can he ?
and a man like hyunjin couldn't love someone properly or could he ?

Hyunjin sensed the youngers uneasiness, "Darling ?"
"Are you alright ?"
Felix pushed him away "I can't do this ! I can't be with you"
Hyunjin's face turned from one of hope to one of despair "you just said you wanted me"

Felix was silent as he was going to walk away and leave the room but Hyunjin held on to his wrist "no Felix ! I'm not letting you go until you talk to me"

"Sir ... just let me go" Felix whined.

"NO.. not until you speak to me ! And I don't want silent nods or 5 little words ! Speak to me like a dam adult and communicate" Hyunjin hissed.

Felix finally gave in "or what Hyunjin ? You're going to smack me up this time ? Knock my teeth out ?"

Hyunjin realized this man was clearly still upset from that one day by the bar, "Lix i- I am sorry for what I did but if you just let me explain I -
Felix yelled "let's get one thing straight Hyunjin, I am not one of your little things to be grabbing like that. I don't give a fuck who you are, you don't OWN me. Do you understand !" Felix deep voice made the demand sound like a drill sergeant.

Hyunjin was so taken back that in the moment he just nodded "yes I understand"
This sudden submission made Felix happy inside. This man was really crumbling under him.
"Good" and Felix left the room.

Hyunjin was dumbfounded did he just get punked ? Did he really let someone talk to him like that ? He's never been told off in his life, if anyone even tried it. They'd be 6 feet under. Yet the blonde had no issue standing up to him. Hyunjin would NEVER hurt him but Felix didn't know that and he still did it.

Couple days went by now it was Hyunjin who couldn't be found, he hadn't showed up to the club.
Felix didn't care "finally, peace" he exclaimed.
This is what he wanted right ? To be left alone. Well now he got it but why was he still having an uneasy feeling.

Felix was in the dressing room cleaning his area,
"Lixie .." Han stood behind Felix with an upset look on his face.
Felix was in the middle of wiping down the vanity as he turned around to see Han's face was full of sadness. "Hannie .. are you ok ?" He asked.

Han couldn't help but start to sob, Felix immediately grabbing him into a hug "han talk to me what's wrong" Han muffled cry in the shirt of the blonde "he f-found m-me" is all han could get out between sobs.
Felix didn't even need to ask, he already knew who.
Han's abusive ex boyfriend, the day han left him the man had a mental breakdown. He searched for months trying to find his boyfriend to no avail, that was until one of his friends went to a burlesque club for his Bachelor Party where he spotted Han, the friend immediately told the man. That is how he found him and he's been stalking han ever since.

"F-Felix ... I don't know w-what to do" han sobbed even harder because he was genuinely scared, this man almost beat him to death the last time he saw him. Felix grabbed the boy tighter "you're not alone hannie, I don't care what we have to do. He's not laying a finger on you" Felix pulled the man out of the hug and looked him into the eyes, tears almost escaping. "I won't let him hurt you Hannie"
Han sniffled and wiped his tears with his shirt.. "what do we do ?"
Felix didn't want to worry the younger, he had no clue what to do in these situations. All he could do was be there for his best friend.

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