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Felix sat down like he was an obedient dog, his eyes never left the older, scared that if he took his eyes off him the man would hurt him.
Hyunjin stood close to the male, lifting his chin with his finger. Felix couldn't keep eye contact
"Look at me" the blonde tried to resist but the man grabbed his jaw harshly turning his face to him.
"I said look at me or I break your pretty fucking jaw"Felix eyes looked directly into his,
Hyunjin smiled "that's more like it, now can you tell me Lix ... why after I gave you direct orders you disobey them ? Mhm ?"
"As your boss I don't appreciate insubordination"

Felix gulped "I have a job to do sir, it's required I speak to the customers" he tried to word his answers correctly so it didn't push the boss over the edge.
Hyunjin laughed "oh is that right ? Well what if I PAY you not to talk to them" he suggested.
Felix would accept the offer any other time but Felix knew this man would use it as a burden so he didn't.
"I can't do that sir" Felix whispered.

Hyunjin didn't say it but his face said it all.
"How would you like it if I talked to a girl right in front if you, if I danced for another man in front of you huh ?"
Felix didn't know what to say "You are not mine to be jealous over sir, I wouldn't care what you do" he spat. Hyunjin had a smirk form on his face
"We'll see about that" the man walked to the door motioning a person to come in, it was a woman.
Felix didn't know what was going to happen as he saw her come in the room.
Hyunjin led her to the sofa and snapped his fingers motioning her to sit on the ground. Like a robot she did.

Hyunjin sat on the couch manspreading "on your knees" he told her. She got on her knees in a quickness. It was clear she was very eager to be with the man. "I want you to give me the best head you've ever given and I'll reward you" he told her.
Felix felt his stomach turn upside down, tears brimming his eyes, he wanted to dash out the door but his body was frozen.
The girl began to unzip his pants where she pulled his boxers down revealing the long and thick member of the older. "Move to the side, so our guest can see" Felix couldn't help but look, his heart began to race. He couldn't tell if it was due to fear, anxiety or jealousy. The girl looked back at Felix giving him a smile as she wrapped her hands around it. Stroking him up and down. Hyunjin would moan making direct eye contact with the blonde.
As she was about to put her mouth on to it, he stopped her "If you are jealous princess you can tell me and I'll kick her out right now but if you're not she can continue" Felix didn't want to submit to this assholes narcissistic tactics but he couldn't lie, this scene was making his blood boil.
"I'll give you 5 seconds" he started counting down




1 ... "continue"

The girl had his member and Hyunjin with his head thrown back when he heard "STOP" those words were like music to his ears, a smile formed on his face. He snapped his neck up looking at the blonde who was sitting there. "What did you say Princess ?" He fully heard the blonde but he wanted to hear it again.

"I said stop" the blonde hissed.

"Get out" hyunjin said to the girl on the floor, she was confused "are you serious right now ?" He gave her a look "I'm very serious. Now get out" he snapped. She quickly got the memo and left the room, slamming the door.
Hyunjin zipped up his pants and got up. He walked towards the younger who was standing now.
He circled around the blonde like a shark surrounding it's prey, "you know darling, I have never craved someone the way I do you"
Felix felt the blush creep up on him and his heart race. "What do you want from me ?" The blonde whispered
"Isn't it obvious ? I want you" Hyunjin didn't hesitate to admit it.
Felix couldn't fathom why this man was so obsessed with him but he was "Why ? There's many women and men who will gladly submit to you, i sir am not the one"
Hyunjin laughed "you already have baby. Since the first day I got here"

Felix realized he truly has. This man ordered him and he submitted to each request with no questions.
"Again what do you want from me, you clearly have a motive for doing this to me ! What is it" Felix said sternly.
Hyunjin smiled "I love how feisty you are .. you know that. Every time you'd shut me down, I'd want you even more. I want you to be mine, I want to wake up to you and fall asleep with you, I want to be the man to take care of you and love you down" he said.
Felux scoffed "you just want to fuck me Hwang"
Hyunjin laughed "I can't lie and say I don't but that's where you have it twisted, I can fuck anyone but I don't want just anyone. I want YOU not to just to have sex with but to be with" he sighed.
Felix was a bit shocked at his reply he didn't think the man truly liked him in that way.
The blonde hated to admit it but the way the boss quickly crumbled around the blonde really boosted his ego.
"You want me ?" Felix finally asked. Hyunjin nodded eagerly "yes, yes I do"
Felix stepped up to the man and grabbed him by the collar pulling him closer "I want you too" the man began to smile widely before the blonde pulled him into a passionate kiss. The two deepened the kiss, hyunjin grabbing the smaller man's waist and Felix holding the older ones neck.

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