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It has been a day since Felix and Han were taken,
Felix woke up to the dingy room. He thought it was a nightmare, but it wasn't. It was his reality.

Han was up already pacing the room.. terrified of what could happen. He was sweating and his eyes were swollen as he chewed on his nails, "hannie come here" Felix motioned him to sit by him.

"Lix .. I should have told you the truth" is all the man could say, Felix was confused by the statement "what do you mean hannie ?"
"After the night I told you about him finding me, he .. he started following me .. sending me letters"
He began crying even harder "I'm sooo soo sorry lix ! I should have told you !" He put his head into the blondes chest muffled cries.

Lix couldn't help but feel sorry as he caressed his hair "why didn't you tell me hannie... I could have hel-" the blonde was cut off by his friend
"NO Lix, you had hyunjin to worry about ! I didn't want to ruin your life with my problems" he sniffled.
"You we're finally happy .. Lixie" he added.

The blonde was so offended that his friend thought this way "baby ... no you're my best friend ! I would have helped you and Hyunjin would have too"

"Hyunjin" Felix said again, he jumped up in seconds "Hyunjin !" Han looked at him like he was insane "what about Hyunjin?" Han asked.
The blonde began to walk around with a smile on his face "Hyunjin was supposed to pick me up yesterday at 3 from the house ! He probably knows I've been taken !" He said in an eager tone.

"What does that mean though" Han asked. Felix rolled his eyes, "hannie, we're going to be saved. I don't know when or how but WE will. He'll find us !"
Han just nodded, he was a little skeptical but he needed to have faith.


"It's 4pm and we haven't found him" Hyunjin yelled as he slammed the table, the rest of his guards were scared for the first time. He's been angry, he's been cold, he's been heartless but right now he's heartbroken. An emotion they've never seen before, and it seemed to be the worst one.
As the room grew tense, Minho pushed through the doors "boss we got something !" He ran over to hyunjin with a ton of letters.
"These letters we found in the roommates bedroom, I think he was stalked" the letters were the letters Jay was sending han recently.
"We did a little digging and we found some info, this Han kid filed a charge at the Seoul police department for Physical Assault. Says his name is Jay" Minho added.
"And there's also this" Minho held up what looked like a hidden camera. They went to the nearest laptop and plugged it in.
The hidden camera was placed right in the living room where it captured the whole thing, him busting into the door, him pointing the gun at the two and even him caressing Felix cheek.
Hyunjin's eyes went from worried to angry. If steam could come out of his ears they would. His jaw clenched as his nails were digging into his fists.
"He's going to blow, back up" one guard said and the guards knew better.
To be in Hyunjin's bubble when he was in a fit of rage was asking for a death wish, he got up and slammed the table, throwing the laptop towards a wall where it completely broke into pieces.

"Well there goes our evidence to give to the police" hyunjin snarled "NO Minho, that man isn't going to jail, he's going somewhere where can receive proper judgment" he laughed the most sinister laugh.
"He touched my baby and that's where he signed his death warrant" he snarled.

"So Jay I heard you got some sweet little pieces" the man chuckled. He and his friends were sitting in a circle playing cards "well you know my ex hannie ?" They all nodded "well it's him and his cute little friend" the group began to ask questions. "Yes boys we will all be taking turns" he laughed.
The group of boys began to cheer.
A girl that was in the market was hearing the boys but continued to shop, this was the escort from the club the one who envied Felix.

She knew it wasn't right but she continued to ease drop, she didn't like Felix but his disappearance had her boss in the worst condition, she's never seen him so distraught. She knew deep down inside the boss truly loved the blonde and nobody could change that. She was looking through the products when a name stopped her in her tracks.
"Yeah the cuties name is lixie, he's blonde and he's beautiful and that body .. I can't wait to see it under me" he gritted.
She almost dropped her basket as she made the connection "he took Felix and Han" she quickly made her way out of the store thankfully the boys didn't notice.
She grabbed her phone and dialed.

"Hello" a man answered

"I found him" she whisper shouted.

Felix and Han were in the room, they haven't said a word in a while as it started to become nighttime, the sun slowly going down. The two were sitting on the bed when the door swung open, revealing the said man. "Put these on" he threw a pile of clothes at the two, he made the two boys shower earlier. It all made sense he was getting them ready to do something.
Felix and Han got ready in these mini dresses provided by the man, "what do you think is going to happen" Han whispered to Lix. The man overheard as he looked at the two, ready and pretty "you two are going to make me and my friends very very happy" he chuckled.
The two boys heart stopped at his statement because they KNEW exactly what that meant.

Hyunjin got wind of the tip called in by one of his escorts, he immediately got in the car with his team, gun on his waist and he was ready to save his lover and friend. "We're almost there boss" one guard said. Hyunjin wasn't nervous for killing everyone there, he was nervous of what his baby probably went through. He hopes no one hurt him and he's praying he gets there in time.

The Boss and The Burlesque ( Hyunlix ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن