I had to ..

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Felix didn't even knock this time as he immediately opened the door, Hongjoong was fixing the flowers by Lily's picture. The blonde stormed in "Hongjoong! What's this I'm hearing you're giving the club away to that entitled ass ... ugh" Felix couldn't even get the words out completely because of his anger. Hongjoong was surprised by this, he's never seen the blonde even raise his voice let alone yell. Felix walked towards him more "so it's true ?" The blonde saw the man's face immediately become blank. "I had to .." Hongjoong sighed.
Felix's anger rise even more "You had to do what Joong ? Sell us out to him ? You don't even know him ! How could you just hand over the club to him !" Felix shouted.
The man walked towards his desk as he grabbed a ton of "past due" papers. "This is why Lix ! I am losing money running this place ! I can't even afford to pay you all a decent amount. That's why I did it"
Felix looked at the papers, he knows the club was behind in EVERYTHING but he really couldn't understand why Hongjoong chose to do this. It goes against everything Lily would want.

"You know Lily would not want this club to be saved, if it meant you had to deal with Satan himself to keep it" Hongjoong was affected by the words, even he knew his wife would oppose this idea but it was the only way .. in his mind to save this place and to save himself. "Lix he's not running the place, think of us as business partners.. he will be using our extra space and basement for OTHER business ventures and the club will remain" Felix wondered what "other" business ventures meant.
"He's going to pay me to rent the space and with that money I can save this place ! I can pay you all more and get you the best stages and costumes and we can even fix the .. the dressing room" Hongjoong was trying to convince the blonde this was a good idea but Felix knew deep down It wasn't. He knew the "BOSS" had other motives for this club, what it was he didn't have a clue but he could tell it wasn't good.

"Felix please trust me ..." the man pleaded. Without another word Felix walked out and didn't look back, he made his way down the stairs and into the dressing room again.. this time it was empty as the club was getting ready to close. The only dancer left was the same woman that recruited him to become a burlesque dancer.
"Hi Lixie, rough night ?" She was taking off her lashes and wiping her makeup off as the blonde sat next to her. "I can't believe it ... he's really doing all this and for what ?" The blonde sighed
The girl just chuckled "Lix .. isn't it obvious? The man needs money to save the last thing he has of his wife. Even if that means working with someone like him"
She began cleaning up her space as she was getting ready to leave. "Someone like him ?" The blonde looked up with a puzzled look.
The girl was kind of surprised Felix had no clue who the man was, working in this line of work you HEAR lots of things "you don't know who he is do you ? She laughed "I forgot how innocent you truly are lixie"
Felix just disregarded her remark, the girl took a seat next to him once again.
"He's Hwang Hyunjin .. he's a mafia boss, runs with some serious heavy hitters" Felix eyes widened, he just thought he was a preppy rich boy but he's the boss of a malicious mafia. Felix started to freak out internally as he remembered how he spoke to the man earlier. "Well I heard through the Grapevine .. he's going to be using the club as a front for a gambling ring and a brothel" she said it so calmly as if nothing was illegal about that statement.
Felix couldn't help but ask "does that mean we-" the girl immediately cut off the question "No Lix, we don't have to do a thing ! Hongjoong made that very clear we are not to be involved in anything. So don't worry" she said.
This really didn't ease the youngers nerves, he still had to see this man from now on every single day and they didn't exactly get off on the right foot.
"Well I'm going to head out, are you coming ?" The girl asked. Felix nodded and then they both went home.

The Boss and The Burlesque ( Hyunlix ) Where stories live. Discover now