New Beginnings

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It has been a day since that night in Hyunjin's office, when they woke up that morning they realized they were in the office for hours luckily when they left the building no one was around. Felix was happy that him and the boss settled things.
Felix went into work today with the biggest smile on his face, rumors of that night spread like wildfire around the club. All they knew was Mr. Hwang was in his office with someone but they didn't know who.
His said "soon to be fiancé" had stormed out of the club that night, pissed off because the man never returned to the basement. Leaving her naked, alone and embarrassed. When people around the club saw this they knew something happened between the two soon to be's and it was all because of the mysterious person.

"I wonder who it was ?" Exclaimed one of the girls
"I heard it was a prostitute" said another. Felix had no sudden urgency to clear these rumors up, when him and hyunjin were ready to announce, they will.
It was hilarious to the blonde to hear the different rumors, "some say he paid a girl to sleep with him"
"What if it was one of the bartenders"
"What if he has a girlfriend" he would laugh at all these assumptions, "wait till they find out there's no girl involved at all" he laughed to himself.
He was sitting on his Vanity, brushing his hair .. most of the girls were rehearsing for their performances. He was staring at himself in the mirror when he saw his "boss" come in,
"How can I help you sir ?" He teased.
Hyunjin laughed as he leaned down to kiss the blonde on his cheek "I don't need a thing but my baby" he chuckled.
Hyunjin looked at the blonde in the mirror, this is the first time he has seen him with no makeup. Complete bare faced but wow he was beautiful. His freckles spread on his cheeks and his pretty dainty features, his beautiful lips.
"You are so beautiful, you know that" Hyunjin admitted. Felix looked up at the man "thank you handsome" as he asked for a kiss. The older man obliging immediately.
His phone started ringing hyunjin sighing "I have to get back to work my love, I'll see you out there" he gave the blonde a quick peck ... "mhm another one" Felix demanded and hyunjin obliged.
"Mhm one more" the blonde asked.
"Baby .. I have to go before the dancers get back" he chuckled. "Alright go ahead, see you in a few" the blonde replied.

Felix continued to brush his hair as the dancers came back in one by one, they were all having conversations with each other. Of course the bartenders Innie and Seungmin were chatting it up with the dancers more then they were working.
"So Minnie you still didn't find out who the mystery girl is" one of the dancers asked.
Suengmin was eating some chips "no luck but I did hear that Mr. Hwang called off the engagement"
"I thought he didn't propose" Innie asked.
"No he didn't but he canceled the proposal!" Seungmin added.
"She must be really special if she had him do all that"

Felix laughed internally as he was doing his makeup, he wasn't scheduled to dance today but he figured he could just hang out. The club ironically was his home away from home.

It was Saturday night and the club was very popular tonight, it seemed like everyone was there. Felix made his usual rounds around the club and talked to the usual people, he wanted to go downstairs and see his "boss" but he knew they weren't allowed. He made himself comfortable at a booth that was isolated from the rest of the booths and tables.
He was on his phone when he saw a figure from his peripheral vision, he quickly looked up to see a woman.. she was the same woman that was in the room that one night of the pearl dance.
She stared at him with an emotionless face,
"Can I help you ?" He asked
She began to sit down in front of the blonde, Felix eyed her up and down as she adjusted in the seat.
There was a few seconds of silence before she spoke up "how much do I have to pay you to leave him alone ?" She said it in such a confident tone that the blonde couldn't help but be shocked.
"What are you .. talking about ?" He pretended to not remember that incident.
"Don't act dumb ! I know you are the one that was in the office with him" she hissed.
Felix pretended to not know what she was saying "look I think you got the wrong one" he began to reply
"BULLSHIT" she slammed the table "he hasn't stopped looking at you since the day he came, I see the way he undresses you with his eyes" she gritted.

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