221 | Desperate Desire

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     "Let's do it," Krist mouths so Joon wouldn't be able to know who they were. And when Brave nodded his head back, the two of them finally grabbed Joon without any warning.

     "H-Hey! Who are you?! What are you doing?! Let go of me!" Joon starts shouting, but Krist ignores him as he and Brave drape Joon's arms around their shoulders to support him.

    "I said, who the hell are you?!"

     As the two jesters continue carrying PHD's leader, Krist looks at Brave and mouths the words, "Where the hell will their base appear?" But Brave could only shrug his shoulder, unsure as to what the pattern for PHD is. But while the two of them were looking around in panic, two figures behind them suddenly pointed a gun in their direction.

     "Where the hell are you taking our leader, Master Joker?" the voice asks, almost making Krist sigh in frustration.

     "Krist?!" Joon shouts in realization. "Are you fucking crazy?! Let go!"

    Krist and Brave turn around to find Pretty Duo's Akihiko Sakuraii and Ren Adachi pointing their guns at them.

     "Let go of him, now," Ren demands.

     "We can't, and you fucking know why," Krist answers.

     "That's not for you to decide, Master Joker," Aki then says back, making Krist curse and clench his fist in anger.

     "Please, allow us to do this. We all know that PHD is much needed in J.S High. Ever since Jokers was created, I always believed that we didn't deserve to be in the House of Kings, so please, let us assist our princes for one last time before we officially leave," Krist says with tears in his eyes that left both Aki and Ren in shock.

     Ren takes a deep breath and puts his gun down, so Aki does the same.

    "Our logo will appear next on the third base just east of the central island. If you run now, you'll make it," Ren suddenly reveals, instantly making Joon's eyes widen in shock because he wasn't expecting his members to decide such a thing without his permission.

     "We'll assist you, so go now!" Aki shouts next, and Brave and Krist look at each other before finally running with Joon.

     "W-What are you guys doing?!" Joon continued to ask, trying to push Krist and Brave away, but the two weren't budging at all. They continued running to PHD's base with the support of the other members of Jokers and PHD. The white uniforms were still completely silent as they watched in anticipation. Even the commentator, Alisa Armstrong, couldn't utter a single word as her chest was beating loudly in her ears because of how anxious she felt.

     "We're getting close!" Brave shouts as gunshots were heard behind them.

     Krist continues to run towards PHD's base, ignoring Joon's displeasure at the sudden plan that Jokers and his members decided on doing. After crossing one last bridge, the three of them finally arrived at the base where PHD's logo would appear next. Brave removes Joon's arm away from him and then grabs the flag that was tucked underneath Joon's coat. Brave then forces the leader to hold the flag so they can help him put it inside the basket as soon as the buzzer sound is heard.

    "Why are you doing this?" Joon asks, no longer fighting back. He tries pushing their flag away, but Brave is still forcing him to hold it.

     "It is because the House of Kings will need you now more than ever. You have a better chance of getting your revenge against the Revels if you're in the same house," Krist explains, looking around to make sure no one was going to ambush them.

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