Ch.1: Welcome to Willamette

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The sound of a helicopter can be heard as it flies over the hills surrounding Willamette.

In the helicopter, there are three individuals. The pilot, Ed DeLuca, a photojournalist, Frank West, and Jason Riley, who is acting as Frank's bodyguard.

The helicopter continues to make its way to its destination when Ed decides to talk to Frank.

Ed: Say, mentioned something about research for a story.

Frank: That's right. I got a tip that something big's happening.

Ed: In a nowhere little town like that? They sure didn't mention anything about it on TV.

Jason: Well freelancers can't afford to make a living waiting for the TV to tell them what to cover.

This earns a chuckle from Ed.

As the helicopter continues to fly, they can see the town of Willamette in the distance.

Ed: Here she is! Hehehe, Willamette, Colorado. Population: 53,594. Distinguishing characteristic: jack shit! Hahahaha. About the only thing to do in this town is kill time at the shopping mall.

Jason: You don't say. Those 53,594 people must be bored out of their minds.

Frank looks out the side of the helicopter and notices that the army has set up a barricade at the bridge entering the town.

Both Ed and Jason notice it as well.

Ed: What was that? The Army?

Jason: No doubt. But, what are they doing here?

Frank: Hmm, looks like taking a helicopter was the way to go. I bet they've got all the roads blocked off by now.

Frank then moves over to Ed.

Frank: Alright listen. I wanna get shots of the whole town before the National Guard finishes roping it off. Take me over to the main street.

Ed then gives Frank a thumbs up and flies to the main street of town.

As they fly around town, Jason looks down and notices that the people are just walking around aimlessly. Almost like they're shambling. Ed calls out to something he sees.

Ed: Whoa! What is that, some kinda riot!?

Jason looks at what Ed sees, and sees a man standing on top of a car with a baseball bat. Jason looks closer and sees that it's almost like the man is fighting all the people surrounding him.

The man notices the helicopter and starts to signal for help, but in his distraction, one of the people pulls him off the car and they start to rip into him.

Ed: Is this what you came to take pictures of?

Frank: Sure is.

Jason looks ahead and sees a school bus surrounded by people.

Jason: No way! Check that out! Look at all those people! What the hell's happening here!?

Frank: I have no idea. But one thing's for sure... Whatever's going on down there. It's not business as usual in this town.

They continue to fly down the main street seeing people continue to kill each other. The helicopter slows down next to a gas station when suddenly, it explodes.

Ed: Whoa! Holy shit! Did you two see that!?

Jason/Frank: Yeah!

Jason looks and sees that people are still walking while on fire.

Jason: What the hell!? How are those people not dead!?

Frank: No idea. Something weird is definitely going on here.

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