The horror

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"Wake up ! Get up my love! U need to leave the bed now." I told myself with affection .But I couldn't even open my eyes . I felt the whole body was paralysed. I started panicking. I was terrorized by all this happening to me. I ran out of breaths. Finally , after a minute or so, I could open my eyes. I woke up suddenly . I saw myself wet in sweat, panting heavily. Even after waking up I could not forget that all for long. I needed someone to calm me . Dizziness was taking control over me. I ran all over the home searching my mum and sis .

They were no where. I cried in fear, " Mamma! Where are you?" Those walls in the dark terrorizing me . So I ran out of my house. There was all black . Few men were there , waiting for a girl , so that they all can rip her off.I again entered my house but in fear. I sat there. Crying and sobing . Suddenly I realized there was some shadow over me . I was again dread. I was freezed . I could not even move my fingers.

Suddenly I woke up panting heavily. I thought of calling my sis , but realized she is not anymore. Still I could not come back to normal. I went to the washroom to wash my face . Suddenly someone put my face into the water. I tried to get out of water . It was making me panicked. But some strange force pushed me deeper into the water. My breaths began to stop. The rushing heartbeats began to calm. I began to feel dizzy. I loved that calmness. At that moment I just wanted to fall asleep to the end of mine.

Sudeenly I heard the favorite song of mine . The music waves running through the water into my ears. Those high beats of the Sitar woke me up to the reality . I opened my eyes and putting much efforts to get my face out of the water. Finally, I was out of it. But it was unbelievable how I got lost into the mind. "Who the heck it was ? Who did this to me ? "I was having several questions , which were only the puzzle . I put those thoughts away and got ready for my job . But I still could not forget that day of my life . Not so ago . The most painful day of my life . The day my life was totally changed. Huh...put these away Dear! You have gotta join the office today . I reached my office . The gloom was spead all over there. So was into me . The veins full of gloom and pain . The heart bearing the weight of the life full of pain....

No one dared to come to me and begin the conversation, as I was a foreigner to them . Well , i did not mind much . After some time , I went to use the washroom . The washroom was my always favorite one. It looks like a mystery itself , waiting to me discovered by me . The only thing I could not figure out was how did all of them left me . That too so soon . I don't shower tears anymore. I only wear a cold facial expression . Just to hide the disaster going inside me .

Well , the washroom is having attached staircase to the rooftop .I like the strange idea of it. Well , I wasn't in a mood to explore the place . So I just used the washroom. But when I turned towards the stairs . I could see something glittering shine after few steps . I wanted to touch it . So I put the foot towards it . I touched that glittering shield .

I could literally feel the difference in the surroundings on my fingers and rest of the body. I was keen to pass that gateway. Suddenly that glittering passway disappeared . But still I could see the sparkling fairydust on my fingers. I was amazed." Like literally , It was a gateway to fairy land . That was unbelievable." Well, I also wished I wasn't dreaming . I had been experiencing the things out of the world since morning . I came back to my work station . But still I could not get out of the fairy dust incident.

That evening I went home . Sat silently , joining my hands and memorising the Almighty. I prayed everything to get normal.

"Please God ! Help Me get out of it . I am stuck . I don't know what it is happening . I am trapped . Please help me figure it out ."

Well, I believe in spirituality. I practice that too . After many days, I did meditate . I guess I just wanted the answer of the questions going into my mind. I wanted the universe to answer those to me . I stated"I am tired ." But the irony was there was no one to hear my cried and longings . I cooked the food for myself , of course . Wishing for someone to be there for me . I can't get out of the memories of my mother and little sister. Everything came to the end that day .

I served food while tears flowing through my eyes. I fiished the food and rushed to my bedroom . I was really tired. Tired of the continuous thoughts rushing over my head.

As I entered the room , I saw someone sitting over there on the floor. I began to panick. After having a clear look , I could recognize him . He was an angel, with black large wings . But he was injured. His upper body wa covered in red blood . I ran towards the drawer and took out the first aid box . He was crying in pain . I washed him and did the first aid .Given him my bed for him to take rest .

The meeting with an angel . I was dreaming for sure . Commanding myself ," wake up darla ! Now it is getting too much . "

But I wasn't dreaming . "Angels do exist . I am with an angel at my home ." Well, I was feeling dizzy so I lied on the couch and fallen asleep.

In the sleep too , I was thinking about that angel with black wings.

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