her nose scrunched and she swayed back and forth on her feet. "i'll take okay for now." she reached out and grabbed his hand but he didn't pull back. "tonight we go on the ferris wheel, 'kay?"

"it's not like i have a choice,"

she nodded in agreement. "that's right! now come along!" she dragged him with all her force and then she turned back to make sure he was following.

"el, i'm literally right here,"

"just making sure!"

he actually let out a smile and she couldn't help but flush pink at the smile of his. her eyes adverted down to the floor and she scrunched her nose before slapping herself on the cheek.

his eyes widened and she huffed. "go away feelings. go away!"

he let out a chuckle and took a step closer to her, leaning down to whisper. "which way are we headed?"

only her eyes looked up whilst her head remained down. pointing ahead, she murmured. "there. then we turn and we go to the carnival,"

he nodded softly, his voice soft. "lead the way then, little devil,"

eyes wide, she flushed redder and began to walk.

"wah! wah! so pretty!" el jumped up and down as she pressed her forehead against the glass, looking down at the view. "mike... is so pretty... come see!"

"el, stop bouncing about and sit the fuck down. you will break this fucking cage,"

she turned back and pouted. "it's so pretty though!" she smiled widely and grabbed his hand to pull him up.

"the view is magnificent!" she looked around at the night view, smiling at the black and blue hue of their own ferris wheel.

he stood next to her and looked down. "i suppose,"

she nodded repeatedly, excitement bubbling and bubbling as her cheeks heated. "i'm happy you're here with me, mike," she turned to face him before taking a photo of the view to send to dante.

el: my view. how's yours? can you find me?

dante: one image.

dante: my view. i found you el, even if you're tiny.

el: tehe! i suppose you did

el put her phone and sat down on the bench, intertwining her fingers as her gaze roamed her surroundings.

sitting down next to her, he took in their surroundings too.

she turned, poking his cheek with a giggle. "do you remember anything yet?"

his head shook and he turned his head to face her properly, smiling at her brown doe eyes and freckled cheeks. "nothing yet. but i have a little feeling,"

she gasped loudly, straightening up happily. "really!? you do!? that's amazing!"

his smile faltered for a second before he looked off. "right,"

tilting her head, she blinked. "what are you think about there, little mike?"

he turned to her. "how did you know i was thinking about something?"

she smiled widely and cupped his face before squishing. "b'cuz i know you! i met you long long ago, mike!"

he tried to pull back from her hold but she held him tightly. "and you were my best best best best friend! we would do everything together!" her smile dropped and she then frowned. "but then you went away,"

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now