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Author's POV

The following evening, as the sky is painted with hues of pink and gold, Chan and Elisa embarked on a perfect date in the bustling city of Seoul. 

The air hummed with the energy of the metropolis, a stark contrast to the challenges they faced in the supernatural realm.

"Hey are you ready?" Chan who was leaning onto the door frame asked Elisa. "Yeah but where are we going?"

 "Yeah but where are we going?"

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(Elisa's Outfit)

"Ah that's a secret" Chan grabbed Elisa gently and nuzzled his nose to her neck.

Their destination was Han River, where they boarded a cruise boat to enjoy the cityscape from the water. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the river, Chan and Elisa found solace in each other's company, the gentle rocking of the boat mirroring the rhythm of their hearts.

"Come on, This is not what I got you here for" Chan took Elisa to a place near the river where a huge mat was laid on.

"Come on, This is not what I got you here for" Chan took Elisa to a place near the river where a huge mat was laid on

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(It's a beach but imagine as it's Han River •⁠‿⁠• )

"Oh Chan I always wanted to go for a picnic like this" Elisa asked him as her gaze lingered on the scenery. "Well here's your chance then" Chan said with a chuckle.

The sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue over Elisa and Chan as they sat on a picnic mat near the tranquil Han River. A gentle breeze whispered through the air, creating a serene ambiance for their conversation.

Elisa, with genuine curiosity in her eyes, turned towards Chan.

"Chan, there's something I wanted to ask you. Umm can you tell me about your past"

A dead silent lingered in the air as Elisa stared at Chan who had his eyes up in the sky. "No it's fine. I know it's a sensitive topi'-"

"Hey it's okay, El. I'm comfortable sharing. My family's history is quite complex. My dad was a clan leader, and they were a tight-knit group with seven other leaders." 

Elisa nodded, absorbing the weight of his words, "That sounds like a close community"

Chan sighed, "Yeah but there was a betrayal. JaeKyung's dad orchestrated the murder of all eight clan leaders, including my dad. We were all part of one united clan before it all fell apart."

Elisa's eyes widened, sensing the gravity of the situation but she fell silent as letting him countine.

It didn't end there. After losing my dad, my mom couldn't bear the pain. She took her own life, thinking she had nothing left without him," Chan revealed.

Elisa's expression shifted to one of deep empathy as she reached out, placing a comforting hand on Chan's shoulder. "I'm sorry" Elisa whispered. Chan nodded, "Don't be. It shaped who I am today. I had to find strength within myself to navigate through the darkness."

"Thanks for sharing this with me. Also I'm here for you, whatever you need okay." Elisa assured.

"Thank you, Elisa. Your support means a lot to me." Chan said, redirecting the conversation to the present as they continued to find solace in each other's company amidst the tranquil surroundings.

As the day unfolded,  Chan and Elisa discovered the joy of shared laughter and carefree moments. They stood beneath the sky full of sparkling stars, Chan turned to Elisa with a smile. "No matter what happens, these moments are ours," he said, his eyes reflecting the love that had deepened throughout the day.

Elisa nodded "Thank you Chan" her heart filled with gratitude for the extraordinary day they had shared. 

"Chris. Call me Chris, only the ones who are close to me calls me that" Elisa nodded.Feeling a deep connection, Elisa looked into Chan's eyes, silently expressing her understanding and support. 

In that tender moment, he leaned in, closing the gap between them. The rustle of leaves and the soft lapping of the river served as the only witnesses to the intimacy unfolding.

Their lips met in a gentle, lingering kiss, a silent exchange of comfort and vulnerability. It was a connection that spoke volumes, bridging the past with the present and fostering a sense of warmth in each other's arms. 

 The challenges of the supernatural world might have lingered on the periphery, but in those stolen moments of joy and connection, Chan and Elisa found refuge, knowing that love could conquer even the most formidable adversaries.

The night held a promise of uncertainties, but in each other's presence, they found the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.



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