
A moment of silence passed, before Izuku's brain caught up with him and his eyes shot wide as he realized there was someone else with him. He then looked up to see another Izuku Midoriya, laying next to him on the ground.


Izuku shrieked in terror as he tried to move away from the doppelgänger, but failed do to Mirko clinging to him tightly. The clone just gave an awkward but understanding smile in response.

"W-w-who are you!?" Izuku demanded while pointing at his double.

"Don't you remember. I'm you" he replied and Izuku felt a fuse blow in his head.

"That's it...I've gone insane..." Izuku muttered with dread, but his double just gave an awkward chuckle.

"No, you haven't gone insane. But you did make me while delirious from Mirko's...well, maybe it's best we don't relive that just yet" he said.

Izuku blinked with confusion as he stared at the double. His eyes then widened as the answer came to him.

"You're a..."

"A quirk? Yes....a duplication quirk to be precise" The other Izuku finish for the original, who felt his mind melting a little at the insanity of it.

The other Izuku just shrugged though, as if he could read the original's thoughts.

"What can I say? Quirks are weird" he said before sitting up.

"Before you ask, you made me the second time you got Mirko pregnant. That's why you can't remember yet. Also, I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm independent and not just another extension of yourself, like an extra arm, is because your mind hasn't finished adjusting yet, while also dealing with what Mirko did to us. I guess you could say I'm the rational part of your brain, controlling this duplicate" he explained.

Izuku just stared for a long moment.

"Ok...so I have gone insane, and my split personality is controlling my new quirk" he deadpanned.

"ONLY TEMPORARILY!" the duplicate exclaimed in defense. He then sighed before falling to his back again.

"You can't just go about making so many changes to your body so quickly and not expected some side effects. Besides, I can already feel myself fading. Being reabsorbed into you. I'll be gone soon enough, I just came out to help you work through our problems while your rationality still has a literal voice of it's own" he spoke.

The original Izuku groaned as he lay there.

"What's there to work through? I may be trying to help them but I'm still ruining the lives of my friends and pro-heroes" Izuku spoke.

"Are you really?" the duplicate spoke.

"I mean sure, you've made things harder, but they're only going to be pregnant for a day at most, and we're hardly at fault for any of this, as the girls who openly professed their love for you have said repeatedly. And having children his hardly the end of their lives" he continued, only for the original's face to turn red with rage.

"How!? How is it not!? Do you realize how hard it is to take care of ONE child! Let alone THIRTY TWO children! At the same time!" Izuku yelled with his horse voice.

"Of course I know! I'm you remember. All your guilt is mine too. But none of us are alone in this. You and the girls all have each other and our families, and Mirko alone isn't exactly hurting in financial support" the duplicate snapped back.

But then the duplicate sat back up and his eyes narrowed at the original.

"But let's stop wasting time and get to the real reason I'm here" he said and Izuku's eyes widened with fear of what was about to be dug up.

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