Part 25

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In Wartwood, the crowd of frogs were sitting on stumps or logs in front of a giant stage. The Plantars, Anne, and Y/N were walking past a sign that read, "Theater Night."

Hop Pop: "Ah Theater Night. The one night in a month we comes together, watch our stories, and forget all our horrible horrible troubles..." He looked down and sadly sighed.

Hop Pop: "Now who wants popcorn?"

Anne: "Oh me!"

Polly: "Me me!"

Sprig: "I do! I do!"

Y/N: "I'm good, I brought my own." He reached to his bag and pulled out a bucket of caramel corn.

After the rest of the gang got their popcorn buckets and walked to where the rest of the frogs and tadpoles were sitting on logs and stumps.

Sprig found a spot to sit. "Oh, right there in the middle! Dibs!"

Polly: "That seat is mine!" She jumped in front of Sprig making a jump for the stump.

Sprig: "Not if I get there first!" He yelled while giving chase and Polly for the stump.

Polly was about to make it until Sprig face planted onto the stump.

Sprig: "Boom!" He sat up and raised his arms in victory as Polly crossed her arms and pouted.

Polly: "No fair! You have appendages!"

Y/N: "She got you there Sprig."

Hop Pop: "Tut-tut. Sprig, give Polly the seat." He said walking next to the two as Polly gasped in an excited tone while Sprig had a shocked look.

Sprig: "Say what!? Come on Hop Pop, I got here first!" He grunted and crossed his arms.

Hop Pop: "That's what older brothers do Sprig. They look out for their little sisters. Now move that rump over to that stump." He pointed to a rotten looking stump next to Y/N and Anne.

Sprig gasped and glared down at Polly who was looking back at him with an "innocent" smile as she winked.

Sprig angrily walked over and sat on the stump as it squished down.

Anne: "Bummer dude."

Sprig: "It's not fair. Just because she's a little younger she always gets special treatment!"

Y/N: "I wouldn't know since I'm an only child."

Anne: "Yeah, all my parents' attention was focused on me." She put her arms behind her head with a smile.

Y/N: "It was awesome." He fed Kuku some popcorn and pet their head.

Sprig blew raspberries at the both of them. "Lucky."

Mayor Toadstool walked up to the stage. "Alright now everybody settle down. I have some bad news, the acting troupe had to cancel in account of...well being eaten on the way here."

The crowd began to boo at Mayor Toadstool.

Mrs. Croaker: "We need our story!"

Anne stood up as Y/N whistled to gain everyone's attention.

Anne: "Thank you Y/N. I have something that might work! It's called a movie! It's like a play but totally better!"

Mrs. Croaker: "How better is it!?"

Y/N: "Better than how Mayor Toadstool runs Wartwood!"

Frogs: "Ooh!"

Later Anne leaned her phone against her other shoe as a frog pushed over a giant glass in front of it, making the phone appear bigger.

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