Chapter 4

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The next day Anne, Sprig, and Y/N were in the basement sorting through their bags.

Sprig: "Wow, look at all your cool stuff! What's this?" He asked while picking up a toenail clipper. "Oh, I get it torture device."

Y/N: "I guess it's considered one if you push it too far while cutting your nails."

Anne: "That's a toenail clipper."

Sprig: Oh ok, ok, sure. Oh!" He then picked up a bike pump. "How about this, what does this do?" He then put the end of the pump into his mouth and started pumping air into his cheeks.

Sprig: "It's painful. Oh and this?" He asked, picking up a pen. Then he started clicking it repeatedly.

Anne: "You know what, you can keep it."

We then heard the dinner bell from upstairs.

Hop Pop: "Kids, chow time!"

We all washed our hands and went to the kitchen and sat at the table with Polly while Hop Pop was pouring soup into a bowl. The others were hitting their hands on the table chanting, "Time to eat! Time to eat! Time to eat!"

Hop Pop: "Hold on you kids, hold on." He then slid two bowls over to Anne and Y/N but it didn't look very appetizing.

Anne: "You know what, I think I'm gonna pass."

Y/N then tasted the soup and nearly spit it out. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" He closed his nose shut and downed the entire bowl of soup in one go. "Bleh…"

Hop Pop: "What? Is my food not good not enough for the prince and princess?"

Neither of us were sitting well with what he said so Anne and Y/N looked at each other and nodded.

Anne: "If we're the prince and princess then you're the king of bad cooking."

This left Sprig and Polly jaws dropped. "Ohhhh!"

Y/N: "How about you try your own cooking. Or are you too old to taste anything?"

Sprig and Polly: "Ohhhh!"

Hop Pop: "Oh yeah well you…I…"

Anne: "What's the matter, Hop Pop, frog in your throat?"

Sprig: "Ohhhh!"

Polly: "She got you again!"

Hop Pop: "Oh dang it!" He then threw the wooden spoon onto the floor. "You know what, I'm gonna take a nap." He said walking towards his room.

Hop Pop: "I don't believe it. I feed you. I house you. And this is how you repay me. If you two don't shape up soon I'm throwing you out!" He slammed the door shut knocking over a vase.

Anne: "Yeesh, what's his problem?" She grabbed the sides of her hair making it look like Hop Pop's.

Anne *Hop Pop voice*: "I'm Hop Pop and I cook bad and I have a temper problem!"

This got Sprig and Polly to laugh while Y/N was holding his stomach. Anne then stood up and grabbed one of Hop Pop's canes.

Anne *Hop Pop voice*: "Eat your aphids, don't play with them, elbows off the table!"

Sprig and Polly were still laughing while Y/N took a piece of a cricket leg out of his mouth.

Anne: "Sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting up with you at all!" She accidentally broke the cane smashing it onto the table as Sprig and Polly gasped and Y/N looked over.

Y/N: "What?"

Anne: "Oopsies, guess I don't know my own strength, right guys?"

Sprig and Polly didn't say anything and looked at the broken cane.

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