Chapter 39

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Anne: "Sasha! The toads!"

Y/N reached to his side and fired a flare shot into the air, surprising Sasha and the army.

Anne: "We gotta go help out fr-"

Sasha put her hands up. "Calm down you two. They're with me."

Anne: "Wait, what?"

Y/N: "Have you lost your mind?"

Sasha: "No, I have not."

Sprig ran over to the teens alongside Hop Pop and Polly. "Anne, Y/N, Anne, Y/N! We saw the warning flare! Toads! They're everywhere! We barely slipped out while the guards where-"

Polly: "Holy toot, another Anne!"

Y/N stiffened a snicker and shook his head.

Anne: "Oh. Guys, meet our bestie from back home, Sasha."

Sasha: "Hey."

Y/N: "Meet the Plantars, Sasha. This is Hop Pop." He gestured to Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: "Eh."

Anne: "Sprig."

Sprig: "Hey, hey."

Y/N: "And Polly."

Polly: "Sup."

Sprig: Hey, I'm their bestie too. I guess that makes me your bestie-in-law."

Sasha looked unimpressed. "Does it?"

Sprig's smile turned into a frown before awkwardly laughing. He let out some fake coughs.

Sprig: "Did y'all feel that?" He continued to cough until Hop Pop moved him to the side.

Hop Pop: "Walk it off boy." He turned his attention to Sasha. "Yes, hi, nice to meet ya. Now can someone please tell me why there's a toad army invading Wartwood?!"

Sasha: "You're Hop Pop? Thought you'd be taller."

Hop Pop and Y/N: "Huh?"

Sasha played it off and mentioned something else. "Relax, we're not invading anything. Come on, Anne. You too, frogs and Y/N." She lightly slapped Hop Pop on the head, before walking forward and turning her head.

Sasha: "We don't want to keep Grime waiting."

Hop Pop: "Captain Grime?!" He asked, scared for obvious reasons.

Sprig: "The cruelest toad soldier of all time?!"

Polly: "Here?!"

Sasha: "Ah, he's not so bad once you get used to him. Now hurry up, nerds." She continued heading into Wartwood.

Anne chuckled. "She's persuasive, right?"

Y/N: "That's one way of putting it."

Anne: "What was that?"

The group went to Wartwood, the teens stood on the remains of a stone wall as Captain Grime joined them, overlooking ghr surrounded citizens of Wartwood. Having looks of freight and confusion of the situation they're in.

Grime: "Frogs of Wartwood! We toads have come here to…" The Plantars stammered in fear until Grime threw…confetti. "...invite you to a banquet!"

A party horn was played as more confetti was thrown around.

Grime: "The moment we heard both Anne and Y/N were here, we rushed over to reunite these three friends and hold a celebration."

Wartwood: "Aww!"

Hop Pop: "Really?"

Y/N: "It sure did take you guys a while…"

Grime: "Yes. Despite my rough exterior, I really am just an "old softie."

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