Chapter 10

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Y/N, Anne, and the Plantars were seen riding on Bessie, the snail.

Hop Pop: "Ah, a leisurely outing with Bessie. Why we can really go anywhere, do anything."

Sprig: "Oh oh, can we get swamp slushies? They have new flavors!"

He then chuckled. "Nope."

Polly: "Can we go off-road and do some crazy stunts?"

Hop Pop: "Double no!"

Anne: "Oh oh, can I drive?"

Hop Pop: "Sure."

Anne: "Aw come on Hop Pop-wait really?"

Hop Pop: "Absolutely, I've been trying to teach this guy for years." He said, pointing to Sprig.

Y/N: "How about me next?"

Hop Pop: "Absolutely."

Anne: "All right, give me those reins. I'm ready to drive."

He drove us back to the house and dropped a book in front of us.

Hop Pop: "Not before reading this you ain't."

Anne: "What?"

Hop Pop: "This is Bessie's history before touching a snail's reins. You gotta know them, feel their heartbeat next to yours, and become one."

Anne: "Hop Pop, it's just a vehicle. I had a family car back home, it's no biggie."

Y/N: "I even drove on a jet ski, a snowmobile, a dirt bike, and an ATV."

Hop Pop shoved the book into Anne's grasp. "Don't care. You can't drive Bessie unless you read this cover to cover and that's final."

Y/N: "Welp, I'm going to get some cola from the barn."

She grabbed the back of my shirt before he could walk away. "You're not getting away that easily."

Y/N: "I was gonna come back."

Anne: "Not taking any chances."

Y/N: "The book can't be that bad if you're clinging onto me."

Anne: "Hop Pop, are there any pictures?"

Hop Pop: "There are diagrams!"

Anne: "NOOOO!"

Hop Pop: "Now if you'll excuse me, Polly's due for a wash." He walked outside and picked up Polly who was playing in the mud.

Polly: "No, no, wait, no! I'll just get dirty again! You can't stop me!"

He took her to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Anne groaned before she hit her head on the table. "I'll be old before I finish reading this thing."

Sprig: "Yeah, page five is as far as I got. Too much description, not enough plot."

Anne: "This is ridiculous. I don't need history, I need experience." She said going outside and hopped onto Bessie's saddle.

Anne: "...hey, what do you say we take a harmless test-drive? Prove to Hop Pop we're fast learners?"

Y/N: "Sure, why not." He said, getting on the saddle and sitting next to her.

Sprig was about to agree but stopped. "Hmm, do you get the feeling this is one of those decisions we'll look back on and say, "Oh boy, we probably shouldn't have done that."

Anne: "We'll get swamp slushies while we're out."

Sprig: "No regrets!" He then jumped on the saddle sitting in between Anne and Y/N.

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