Chapter 11

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The Plantars and Y/N were in the living room while playing a card game.

Hop Pop: "Hmm, got any three's?"

Polly: "I ain't telling you nothing old man."

We then heard Anne kick open the basement door and screamed.

Anne: "AHHH!"

Sprig: "AHHH!"

Hop Pop: "Is someone dead!?"

Polly: "Why are we yelling!?"

Y/N: "Huh?" He asked looking up from his deck.

Anne: "Just look." She then pointed at her face.

The Plantars gasped in shock.

Sprig: "She's diseased!" They then pulled out some weapons.

Hop Pop: "We have to quarantine her."

Polly: "Don't struggle Anne."

Y/N: "No! None of that!"

Anne: "What? No guys, it's not a disease. These are pimples, it's just a human thing."

Y/N: "She's right."

Sprig: "Oh."

Hop Pop: "False alarm everyone, it's just a human thing."

Anne: "Everybody already treats me like a monster." She picked up a spoon and looked at her reflection.

Anne: "This is just gonna make it ten times worse ugh..."

Sprig: "Ah come on, no one treats you like a monster Anne."

Anne: "Are you kidding? I can't even go outside without making a scene.

Awhile ago Anne was walking through the town whistling while the residents panicked.

Frog: "Ah, it's hideous?"

Then another frog with her baby ran.

Frog B: "Look away Teddy, look away."

Anne then looked down sadly. "Ah poop..."

Hop Pop: "Well, what about you Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hmm? Nah, I've been called worse on the Call of Duty lobbies."

Anne: "Oh yeah..."

Sprig: "But who care what they think, we like you."

Anne: "Uh-huh, I'm going to go hide in the basement until this clears up."

Hop Pop: "Sorry Anne, but nobody's hiding anywhere today. I need help at the vegetable stand."

He placed a bucket down on the table. "We got a bumper crop of scream beans that need selling."

Anne dropped her head on the table.

We went to the farmers market and set up our stand. Anne was wearing sunglasses and a cloth wrapped around her head.

Hop Pop: "Alright kids, get out there and sell like your lives depend on it...! Because they do we...we really need this."

Sprig: "Come one come all! Try the beans everybody's screaming about!"

Y/N then walked away from the booth and pulled out a jar of chocolate. He then spread it around the scream beans. He then came into view in the farmers market.

Y/N: "Scream Beans! Come get your Scream Beans! Now they come with non-fattened chocolate! If you have kids and they don't want to eat healthy you can trick 'em with this!"

Frog: "Non-fattening chocolate?"

Frog B: "Trick my kids into eating healthy?"

A swarm of frogs started surrounding Y/N while he chuckled and started selling the product for two extra copper pieces.

Amphibia X Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin