Chapter 27

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1 Year Ago: At Earth...

Principal: "I hope to see you all and your parents at the school play this Friday at seven sharp. Just remember that it's mandatory and it accounts for your participation grade."

Students: "Uuuuuggggghhhhh..."

Principal: "I know, I know. Hold your applauses at the end of the speech. That is all."

Students: "Uuuuuggggghhhhh...!"

Everyone walked out of theater room disappointed. A certain group of seven friends were walking with each other to their next class.

Rico: "Tch! It was bad enough that the tickets were five bucks each but we have to watch the damn play."

William: "I'm telling you, this has to be against the law or something."

Eric: "I've already tried looking for a loophole out of this but I've got nothing."

Johnny: "This sucks man. I'd rather be at home being productive."

Jack: "Your definition of being productive is playing Warfare with us until three in the morning."

Johnny: "I like to eat microwavable foods at three in the morning."

The guys: "We know."

Y/N: "What's worse is that it's going to be the same play they enact every year."

Sebastian: "They didn't even give my play a chance."

The guys: "You wrote a play?"

Sebastian: "W-well. When we were stuck in the cabin last winter...I had a lot of free time on my hands."

Rico: "Do you have a copy of the play on you?"

Sebastian: "Yeah. It's in my bag because I'm worried that one of my family members might find it. Why do you ask?"

Rico: "I wanna read it."

Sebastian: "No you wouldn't."

Eric: "Hey, let us read it or would you rather have us listen to Miss Cora teach us how babies are made?"

All the guys shivered at the thought of it.

Sebastian: "Okay, I'll give it to you guys but don't show it to anyone else."

They walked to the class where Sebastian handed the guys his play. One person read through the play fast and passed it to the next friend.

They were surprised and impressed by the story Sebastian made up on his own. It

Once school was over Johnny handed Sebastian his play back.

Johnny: "Dude. Your play is really good."

Sebastian: "Nah, you're just saying that cause we're friends."

Y/N: "No. It's cause we actually like it. I would rather see that than the play the school's making us watch."

William: "Yeah. It's not like we can take control of the school for a night so we can play Sebastian's play."


Eric: "Who's to say we can't?"

Jack: "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Eric: "I think we should somehow come up with a way to show everyone Sebastian's play."

Sebastian: "W-what!? No, no, no, no! Do you know how much trouble we'll be in...!? Wait a minute. A stunt like that could put us on par with the Legends."

Amphibia X Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ