What if-Side Story

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I stumbled backward as blood flowed from my mouth, my mind muddled by the speed at which things were happening.

Wait, did I just get stabbed?

This is...

"Ah!" The hooded man shouted, interrupting my thoughts. "I-I didn't mean to stab the child!" he said before hastily running away from the apartment.

I looked at his retreating figure, cursing silently for the first time in my life.

He left me here bleeding and now he's running away.

Coughing up more blood, I fell to the ground, my vision becoming blurry.

"Aka!" Ai shouted as she knelt down, embracing me. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and called what I presumed to be the ambulance. "Get here fast, please! My son got stabbed! My address is..." She provided her address, and as she hung up, I looked at her with a reprimanding gaze.

"Geez, Mom," I said weakly, grabbing her attention. "Why did you say 'my son'? You could get exposed, you know."

She looked agitated at my words as she shouted, "You shouldn't be worried about that! Just keep your eyes open; the medics will be here soon."

Suddenly, another familiar voice caught my attention.

"Aka!" Aqua shouted as he rushed to my side. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing much, just got stabbed by a creepy stalker. Don't worry about me!" I exclaimed, trying to flex my biceps, but it proved to be the wrong move as I coughed up more blood.

"Shit!" Aqua cursed, placing his hands on my wound. "You got stabbed in the mediastinum!" He looked at Ai. "Ai, did you call an ambulance yet?" She nodded in response.

Damn, my vision is starting to blur, and my head feels dizzy. I don't think I'll be able to hold on until the medics arrive.

Strangely, a sense of calm washes over me now.

Of course, I hate that I'm dying soon, and I'm slightly scared of what awaits me. But I never deserved a chance like this in the first place. I cheated death by reincarnating, and now death is reclaiming me, taking me back to where I should have been all along.

The sound of the door opening reaches my ears, but I don't bother to look because I know it's Ruby. Besides, my vision is very blurry now, and I can't see well anymore.

"Aka nii-chan!" she screams as she runs to me and hugs my body.

Damn, I'm sorry for showing you such a gruesome sight, Ruby. You're pure and innocent, and I wanted to protect that. 

Suddenly, I felt tears dripping onto my head. Is Ruby crying right now?

I internally let out a sigh, you've always been such a crybaby, Ruby.

In my blurred vision, I turn to Ruby, seeing only a hazy figure. I stretch my hand towards her cheek. "Don't cry, Ruby. Has someone been bullying you? Big brother will protect you," I say, my mind struggling to comprehend what is reality because of the severity of my injuries.

For a brief moment, clarity returns to me, perhaps fueled by sheer willpower. Nah, I don't believe in anime stuff like that.

"I don't think I'll make it," I say, knowing there won't be much time left. I have to say it now while I can still hold on to my consciousness, despite the pain and injuries. "I'm going to miss all of you."

I envelop Ruby in a hug. "I love you all. You have no idea how happy I am to be a part of this family."

I turn my gaze to Ruby, still in my embrace. "Ruby, I'm sure you'll become an amazing idol in the future. I wanted to appear with you on a late-night show at least once, teasing you in front of the camera."

"Aqua," I say, getting his attention. "I'm sure you'll become a great actor. I see the passion you pour into it, and I was excited about the prospect of starring in a movie with you."

"Mom, thank you for everything you've done for me. You may not know it, but you're my guiding light, my beacon. I love you with all my heart. Please tell Ellie I'm sorry for leaving so early. And make sure the Tokyo Dome continues." I pause, struggling to catch my breath, as my injuries make it harder to breathe.

"All three of you, can you hold my hand?" I suddenly requested, catching them off guard. "You see, I can't see anymore. It's all dark." 

It's true; I can't see anymore, probably because of my injuries.

Unlike what it seems like, I'm not scared of the dark; I just want to feel their warmth one last time.

"Everyone, I love you with all my heart. Please remember that."

I hear a muffled voice from Ai, but I can't make out her words.

Did she say she loves me?

I don't know.

Probably not.

I know it's difficult for her to express those three words, and I don't blame her for not saying them even now, as I stand at death's door.

"Ah," I start, tears streaming down my face. "I wish we could have grown up together, sharing wonderful moments."

My consciousness fades further, and my tears, flowing down my cheeks, can no longer be felt.

I thought I had accepted death, but it seems there are still some regrets lingering within me.

"I'm glad to have you all as my family. I'm sorry for lying to each of you; I know it's wrong, but I wanted to earn all of your love." I say, not clarifying what I mean. "Ruby, Ai, Aqua, do you love me?" I ask, aware that I won't be able to hear their response.

At least I managed to rescue Ai, which brought immense relief. She's like a guiding light in my life, giving me hope and making me feel complete. My affection for her knows no bounds.

The news of her survival fills my heart with joy. It's a delightful realization that she made it through. 

Suddenly, the mantra I made when I was young came to my mind.

Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost.

Ironically, those words now seem fitting for this situation. They were originally intended for acting, but who would have guessed they would resonate so strongly here? Although, in all honesty, it's slightly different.

Because while following this mantra meant I did this to receive Ai's love, I did it for another purpose. I did it because I love her.

As I closed my eyes, a sense of tranquility washed over me, and I felt my consciousness fading. With a peaceful smile on my face, I let go, knowing that I had done everything out of genuine affection.

Actor(Oshi no ko)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ