Chapter 12 To Many Earths

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Darius made a determined face at Peter. "Then... We go and find it,"

Peter gasped slightly. "G-Go and find it? Darius... D-Do you know how powerful this thing is? When he showed up with those other teens from that other world... He held a lot of power! More... than... other villains I'm used to.."

Darius shook his head. "We can try... I know we can-," Darius said placing his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Darius..." Peter said closing his eyes. "I am a superhero... But I'm not invincible. I'm nothing without my suit. I..." He sighed then turned his head away, then stepped away from Darius slightly. Darius took his hand away from his shoulder, observing him sadly.

"I told... Miles this... one thing. 'The suit means nothing' anyone can be a hero. But... I only wanted to motivate him. I didn't truly mean it," he turned his head back to Darius. "I feel powerless without my suit. I feel like... I can't be Spider-Man without it. I'm just... 'man',"

Darius blinked at him. "But... You still got your powers... Don't you?"

Peter looked down for a moment, then back up at Darius. "Yes... But-,"

"Then... You're still Spider-Man," Darius said with a smile. "Plus, you still have the intention to save people, right?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"You're still Spider-Man! And together we can try to take on that villain from your world!" Darius said smiling.

Peter sighed. "Darius..." He then looked up at him. "Are... You trying to motivate me too?"

Darius smiled awkwardly. "Is... it working?"

Peter leaned up on the wall. "A little... I guess. But it's still not what I meant. It's a little complicated. It's like my mask... my suit... it can cover me. But not just physically. It... covers who I am to people. I can be Spider-Man...and not Peter Parker. Spider-Man is... a different person than me in a way. I feel like I can't be Spider-Man... without my suit..."

Peter knows what he's talking about. He feels powerless without his costume. He took on the dinosaurs fine, but Dark-Blade is something completely different. He feels hopeless, especially with the fact that it seems like this dimension lacks superheroes. If something were to go wrong, he wouldn't be able to call on another superhero for backup.

"Without my suit... I don't have my chip..."

"Chip? What chip?" Darius asked tilting his head.

"Well, a few years ago... a group of superheroes in my world gave me a chip that can contact them in any situation I couldn't handle,"

Darius gasped. "Woah? Seriously?! So... there are other superheroes?!"

"Yes, I... told you didn't I?"

"You talked about other people like you with the same powers," Darius said.

Peter nodded. "Oh, that's right," He said, now remembering. "Well, there are other superheroes. I won't get into them all right now, but my suit has a device that can contact them,"

"Oh..." Darius said, his tone changing. "So... That's why you want to suit badly..."

"Part of the reason, yes. And... I did see the suit, at least. But... Wu had it. He had it in his hands, I don't know where he went though. He might be long gone by now,"

Darius walked forward, then past Peter. "Come on, let's get to where you said you saw that darkness-covered guy,"

Peter and Darius were quietly talking in a room, to get away from everyone, so when they exited the room, all their friends looked a little annoyed waiting for them.

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