Chapter 3 The Carnotaurus

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"Ok, If I built a collider where would I hide it?" Peter thought to himself. "Maybe it could be underground? Or... maybe in this building? Should I even go outside?"

Peter didn't know what to do. This knew dimension was all kinds of bizarre. "I wonder of those two guys would know anything about the collider?" He said to himself. "Wait, no..." Peter then remembered how they where completely confused when he was talking about dimensions. "They probably don't even know a collider is here. But... I still need to find help."

Peter looked around the hallway he was in. "Now, where is the way out? This Dimension must have an outside right?"

Peter walked up and down, all around the Genenetics Lab. He passed by a lot of rooms that had equipment, but known of them seemed like high tech dimensional travel equipment. He had saw some light coming up, from a corner. "Huh? That doesn't look like artificial light-"

Peter jogged up to it, and saw the light was coming from a door that was left open, and it was outside. "Yes!" He exclaimed. "This Dimension does have the outdoors."

He stepped outside the door. He took a deep breath. "Ah, fresh air"

Then the fresh air, soon went away, due to Peter smelling something incredibly bad. "Whoo! What the hec-"

Peter soon saw it. "Oh... no... is that...Dinosaur poop?"

There was a huge mound of brown stuff, sitting near the out skirt of the Genenetics Lab. But something about it seemed off. "Wait, that couldn't have been from the Veloperator..." He said realizing that it was way to much to have come from the mid size Dinosaur. Peter started to have a little whif of fare hit him. That means there was another dinosaur near by. And it wasn't the size of the Veloperator. 

It was bigger. 

Peter got into his fighting stance, waiting for his cue to leap at anything that made a sound. He scanned the area, and saw a lot of boxes and creates, and metal sticks, he could use to aid him in a battle.

Then, he heard it.

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