Chapter 8 Accidents

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"Ugh...." Peter groaned as he was starting to wake up. He figured it was morning, but it wasn't. It was still dark. He looked over at the trees, and saw an orange hue on the horizon. 'So it is morning...' Peter thought. 'Well, about to be.'

He looked around at camp, and everyone was still sleeping in their bags. Peter felt his stomach growl. 'Forget about the Collider for a second... what am I going to eat?' He usually never eats much back in his home dimension. With the amount of stress he puts on himself to take care of his city's problems, he barely has time to balance out his normal life with his superhero life.

But the thought of being trapped away from civilization, with nothing to eat even if he had the chance, made him feel more hungry than he ever had. 'They seemed like they've been here for a while, they must eat right?' He thought looking at Darius, snoozing away. 'Or is this... some weird dimension where humans don't eat-?' Peter shivered at the thought. 'Nah, I need my pizza,' Peter said to himself. Even though, pizza was probably a luxury at this moment with everyone here. His stomach continued to growl to be fed, then he noticed that one of the bags where empty. 'That's odd...' He thought.

He started to count the ones with him. 'Darius, Kenji, Brooklyn, Yaz... that other girl...' Then he gasped. 'Ben! Where... is he?'

He looked around. He didn't see Ben anywhere around the camp. Which only meant that Ben had left. 'I have to go find him!'

Peter quickly got up, zapped his webs at a tree, and swung out of the camp.

He jumped on top of a branch and perched. He scanned the area below him but didn't see any sign of Ben. "He couldn't have gone far," Peter said to himself. He looked up and saw another branch from a different tree, was close by. He swung over to it. And the same thing as before, and perched on the branch.

But as soon as his feet gently touched the branch of the tree, he heard rustling beneath him. He crouched down and looked beneath the branch. He saw nothing.

"What was that? Another dinosaur?"

Peter took a deep breath and hopped down, and landed softly on the ground. He didn't want to alert the dinosaur. Whatever it was, sounded big. Like it was tearing up the entire bush. Peter got his webs ready.

And the moment the thing emerged, Peter shot his web at it, then yanked it towards him about to punch it flying across the sky.

But it was a great thing that Peter didn't do that. Once he grabbed the possible dinosaur from the bush, he saw that it was BEN and not a dinosaur at all. "WOAH BEN!" Peter yelled. With the strength Peter yanked Ben with, it caused him to slam right into Peter, and both he and Peter fell onto the floor.

"Uh..." Peter said looking at Ben. Once Ben's senses came back, he looked at Peter. "W-What? Peter, what the heck was that for?! Get off me!" He snapped. Peter's face went extremely red, he was sure enough that it was some dino, he really wasn't expecting it to be Ben at all. He got up off of Ben and stood up, and then he went to help Ben up. "Ugh, don't touch me! I can get up myself!" Ben annoyingly said as he stood up. "Peter, what the hell was that?!"

"I-I...I accidentally thought you were a Dinosaur-," Peter said. "... You.. accidentally thought... I was a Dinosaur..." Ben asked, with his expression looking like he was in disbelief. Peter slowly nodded. "...DO I LOOK LIKE A DINOSAUR TO YOU?!" Ben snapped. "N-No! You don't! I... just heard rustling in the bushes!" Peter told him.

"I was trying to get Berries!" Ben yelled. "..Berries?" Peter asked. Ben sighed and nodded. "Yes, berries. What? You need me to spell the word out for you?" He asked arching an eyebrow. "I... um..."

"Ugh, never mind. I collect berries every morning before the others wake up. It's something I do every day." Ben said. "Oh... um... you need my help?"

Ben side-eyed him. ".... Nah. I don't need someone who mistook a human for a Dinosaur's help. Sorry."

"Ben, I'm sorry, I just heard loud rustling, it seriously didn't sound like it came from you," Peter told him. Ben was starting to walk ahead, but then he turned around and looked a Peter. "Wait... oh... I think you must have heard Bumpy."

"Bumpy?" Peter asked. "A herbivore dino that I befriend. He usually comes with me when I collect berries, but I try not to let him come anymore because he eats all the berries I've collected," He said. "You've befriended a dinosaur? That's amazing!" Peter said. "Yeah, and since she was the one you actually heard, I'm glad you grabbed me, because if you attacked her, I would have punched you so hard you'd end up back in the dimension say you come from," He said, looking at Peter sternly. "Um...uh... I'm sorry about what happened..." Peter said. Ben didn't say anything, then went to leave. So, Peter followed him. But then Peter's stomach went off again. This time it was so loud, that Ben heard it. Ben looked at Peter while they walked. "Damn, that was very loud." He said. "Here, take this instead of the berries, it's more filling-,"

Ben grabbed what seemed to be some bugs off of a branch. "Here, nothing like some Isla Nublar grubs!" Ben said with a small smile.

Peter blinked at Ben. "Uh... Ben, thanks... I may be part spider, but I don't eat bugs..." He said scrunching up his face. Ben groaned annoyed. "Suit yourself," He said as he ate one. Peter gasped at it. "Oh... you... eat them?" He asked. "Yeah, that's what survival is. The others don't care for bugs, they'd rather eat just the berries." Ben said.

"And... what did you mean by a part spider? I... heard... and even seen... how you have powers, and I've realized they've been... Spiderish?" Ben asked. Peter nodded. "I'm practically a human-spider."

"How did this happen?" Ben asked. Peter wasn't sure how to get into the whole story on how he has even gotten his quirks. He surely didn't want to explain it all to Ben right now, who'd probably just look at him insane. So, he just dropped it. "I... won't get into it right now."

"Alright...." Ben said, as he also dropped it, and continued to walk.

Peter wasn't sure about Ben, it was pretty clear that Ben still didn't trust him.

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