Chapter 5 Camp Cretaceous

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Peter walked with the teens, to a place that looked like some very outdoorsy camp. The camp looked very rustic as if it was made by people who were stranded and made a shelter.

"Woah... what is this place?" Peter asked. "We've been stranded here. We missed the last ship," Darius said. Peter was surprised. "You three.... made all this?"

"Well, not just us three. There's three more of us here." Kenji said. Then, a girl in a pink light jacket came over to them. "Hey, Brooklyn! We.. um.. found someone..." Ben said.

Brooklyn looked at him. "Who are you? Were you here all this time and we didn't know?"

"If we told you the whole story, you wouldn't believe us," Ben said. Peter figured he might as well be polite. "Hello, I'm Peter. Your name is Brooklynn? I've been to Brooklyn once-"

Ben looked at Peter, and covered his face, cringing at Peter's joke. Brooklyn giggled. "Well, it's nice to meet you," Brooklyn said. Peter smiled, then looked up at the camp. "Wow... I still can't believe you guys built all of this, you guys can really survive-"

Brooklyn stood up next to him. "Yeah, it took a while, but we managed. Would have went faster if Kenji helped us with his lazy ass-"

"HEY!" Kenji yelled. Darius giggled.

"So-" She said turning around to her friends. "What did you all mean by I wouldn't believe something?"

Kenji looked at Peter, then made a gesture to him, telling him to explain.

Peter nodded. Ben was standing there, staring. He hasn't even seen Peter's powers yet.

"I... I'm not from here," Peter said. "You're not from here? Well... I mean, none of us are-..."

"Thank you!" Ben yelled. "Just what I said! These two idiots believed this guy when he said he's from an alternate universe!"

"Hey, Ben, calm down!" Darius said. "Don't tell me to calm down! I guess being isolated has made you two go insane!" Ben snapped. Brooklyn was just listening to them all, looking like she was very confused.

Peter knew he had to show his powers. They seemed like good friends, and he didn't want to ruin it, just because he existed there. So, he shot a web at a tree. "Huh?" Ben said, and turned around, to see Peter holding a string, attached to the tree. "What is that?"

Kenji and Darius knew what it was since they have seen Peter in action with the dinosaur.

Peter gripped the string and yanked it, and the tree fell over. "Woah, what the?!" Ben gasped. The tree looked like it was about to hit Peter. "Why are you just standing there?!" Ben yelled as he was trying to pull Peter away, but Peter made a fist and punched the tree, and the tree went soaring into the sky.

Ben and Brooklyn, just stared at the tree going up into the sky, with their mouths hung open, while Kenji and Darius just smiled.

Ben, turned his head and looked at Peter. "I'm sorry, but... WHAT THE FU-?!"

"How did you do that?!" Brooklyn yelled.

"Darius and Kenji aren't going insane. I'm actually from another dimension. And I might need some help to get back," Peter said. Ben was really confused, and he went to sit down on a log. "You.. have supernatural powers. That isn't possible- that's science fiction!" Ben yelled. "Well, so is bringing Dinosaurs back to life, and here we are, running away from them preventing us from being eaten alive," Kenji said. Darius nodded. Brooklyn looked at Peter. "Oh... my gosh... if I had my phone, I'd so want you on my videos,"

"Ok.. so... You're from another world. How... did you reach here?" Ben asked. "From this thing called the Collider," Peter told him. "Collider?" Brooklyn asked. Peter nodded.

"Yeah, he said it's like a dimensional transportation device," Darius said. "But, I think he said it only connects to worlds that have it's own," Kenji said. Peter nodded. "Only connects to worlds that have their own?" Brooklyn asked. Then she gasped. "That must mean there's one here!" She said. "But.. wait... if there's one here, who made it?"

"I think Wu was toying with more than just dinosaurs," Darius said.

"..THIS- all too much to take in.." Ben said, as he got up. "I'm gonna walk this all off with Bumpy.... you... all can continue to talk" He said as he walked away. Kenji shook his head. "Sorry about Ben... ever since we found those new people, he doesn't trust anyone anymore. He even didn't even want to leave this place even when he had the chance."

Peter was kind of confused. "Why are all of you here anyways? Has dinosaurs infested the earth?"

"Just barely. Just this Island. It's a park. Basically a zoo for dinosaurs. Shit went wrong, and.. one or two escaped-," Kenji said. "More like 100," Darius said. Peter was surprised. "Wow, did anyone ever think about safety?" Peter asked. "Apparently not," Brooklyn said. Peter wanted to help. But he needed to get back to his dimension. "I'd like to help, but I really need to get back to my world. I'm... a superhero there-,"

"You're a superhero?!" Kenji exclaimed. "Well, he has powers Kenge. I'm pretty sure many of us would do something with powers, at least he's using it for good."

Peter smiled. "New York can't...stand without me," He said. "New York? Is your world like some parallel world to ours? Cause we have a New York here, but we don't have superheroes jumping all around" Kenji asked.

Peter shrugged. "It probably is... I don't know much about how dimensions work. All I know is that there are many strange ones." He said.

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