Chapter 6 Trapped

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Peter was sitting on a log, while his newly met acquaintances, tidied up the camp. They all agreed to help search the lab, to try and find the Collider. Peter was a little on edge, as he watch the teens gather stuff around. He's never been near dinosaurs before. And even though he's been to many, many strange dimensions. He wasn't sure how he'd survive. Especially without his suit.

He fought off the Carnotarus, but just barely. He nearly killed himself with those electrical staff. If only he had the suit, which is insulated, he would have been fine.

He didn't even notice that he had some burns on his arm until Brooklyn pointed it out. "Hm?" Peter asked looking over at the pink-haired girl. "The burns- what happened?"

"I saw the whole thing!" Kenji said, with an ecstatic voice. He then walked over to Peter and Brooklyn.

"Why do you look so happy that he looks burned?" Brooklyn asked, raising an eyebrow. "What? I'm not happy that he's burned, I'm just so amazed by how he fought off that dinosaur! Like, he got zapped by like over 9 electric staff!" He exclaimed. Darius overheard them. "Well, that alone proves he isn't lying that he's a superhero," He said, walking over to them. Brooklyn sighed, then looked at Peter. "But he still got hurt..."

Peter just softly smiled at her. "It's fine, really. I've been through worse. Just wish I had my suit..."

"You have a suit?!" Kenji exclaimed, scaring Brooklyn. "Kenji!" She yelled, then walked away.

"Y-Yeah! Designed it myself. It's insulated. If only I had it, I wouldn't have gotten these burns-" Peter said. "Then... where is the suit?" Darius asked.

Peter shrugged. "I have no idea. I was wearing it before I got sent here. But once I came to consciousness here, I realized I was wearing my normal clothes. And it's weird... cause I don't wear my clothes under my suit-"

"Welp, did not need to know that one, little too much information there buddy-" Kenji said. "Kenji, shut up," Darius said, looking at him from the side. Peter just chuckled.

"Maybe, it came here? Maybe it'll be near the Collider?" Darius asked. It was a possibility, but Peter wasn't sure.

"And speaking of Collider, where the heck is Yaz? Isn't that one of the reasons we haven't left yet?" Kenji asked. Darius nodded. "Yeah, that and Ben still hasn't come back-"

Kenji rolled his eyes. "Who cares about Ben"

"You do, you're clearly heads over heels for him," Darius said. "Am not!" Kenji snapped. Peter could only just chuckle at Kenji's and Darius' bickering. Reminded him, of him and Miles.

They continued to wait, and wait for anyone, but then they saw Brooklyn running towards them, out of breath. "Darius! Kenji! Peter!" She yelled, running. "Woah, what's wrong Brooklyn?" Darius asked, and turned around quickly once he heard Brooklyn yelling.

"It's Yaz! And Sammy too! They're trapped!"

"Trapped?! Where?!" Kenji asked.

"In some cave!" Brooklyn said.

"C-Ca...? How did they get trapped in a cave?" Darius asked. "Follow me!" Brooklyn said, running in the opposite direction.

Kenji and Darius ran after her. "Peter, come on!" Kenji said.

Peter went with them. 'I'll help them in any way I can'


"Sammy! Yaz!" Brooklyn ran up to the cave she heard them in. "Brooklyn! You're here! Please, help us!"

Peter ran up to Brooklyn, to the cave, that had a lot of Boulders, blocking the entrance. "Oh geez, how did this happen?!" Kenji yelled. "It was one of the dinosaurs!" One of them from the cave yelled.

Peter saw them trying to remove the Boulders themselves.

"Allow me-" Peter said.

All of them stopped, then looked at Peter. Then, they backed away.

Peter just walked up to the Boulders and picked them all up, and threw them all aside.

Inside, was two girls. "Woah... that... was fast, how'd yall do that?" One of them asked. "Sammy!" Brooklyn yelled, then hugged Sammy. Sammy giggled, then hugged back. The other girl, stood there staring at Peter. "Uh... who's this?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you," Darius said. Just then Sammy noticed. "Um, where you always here?"

Peter took a deep breath. "I'm from an alternate dimension. I'm Peter Parker. The human-spider known as Spider-Man." Just then 4 spider legs ejected out of Peter's back, and slammed into the ground. Everyone froze, even Darius and Kenji because they never saw Peter do that before. "Uh... sweet mother of..." Sammy said. Yaz blinked.

"Uh.... you can do... whatever this is too?" Kenji said.

"Spider-Man?" Darius asked.

"Yes. That's my superhero name," Peter said. "Superhero?!" Sammy gasped. "Wait what?!" Yaz said.

Peter was about to say something, but then




"Oh shit, the velociraptors!" Darius yelled. Peter's Spider Senses were tingling like crazy. He senses there are at least 5.

It was time for him to be a hero to people who didn't know him.

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