Chapter 14 Collider Problems

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Miles stared up at the camp that the survivors had built before when he and Peter came here. "Wow..." He said. "You all built all... of this?" He said.

"Yep," Brooklyn said.

"Same thing what Peter said when he came here," Kenji said. "He's a city boy, he probably never seen something like this before," He smirked smugly, as he had his hands on his hips looking at the structure his friends had built.

Brooklyn grunted and rolled her eyes. "Like you did anything,"

Kenji just grunted at her, then looked a little confused. "Wait... where are Peter and Ben? They should have been back by now,"

Darius nodded. "You're right..." Then, he gasped. "Oh crap, I hope they didn't get hurt,"

"With how agile Peter is, he must have been able to look after himself, and Ben," Yaz mentioned. "Ben is probably just giving him a hard time,"

"I'm sure they'll be back soon," Brooklyn said. Then, she looked at Darius. "You should give Miles a look around."

Darius nodded. "Sure," He smiled, then looked at Miles. "Do you?" He asked.

Miles nodded. "S-Sure,"

Darius could tell he looked a little... out of it. It was understandable, given the circumstances. Darius wanted to comfort him, even though these two newcomers might be superhumans, they still had feelings. Feelings that can be torn, hurt, or strengthened. Getting ripped out of your home could break anyone.

They walked up the stairs of the camp, up to the top where Darius and Peter were talking the night before. Miles didn't say anything, as he walked up to the ledge, that overlooked part of the woods, as the ground where their other friends were. They could see them sitting around on a few logs as they waited for Ben and Peter to come back.

Darius leaned on the ledge with Miles, then looked over at him. "You can see a lot from up here, huh?" He asked.

Miles was staring down at the ground, but then he heard Darius: "H-Huh? Oh, yeah," He said, as he turned his head to Darius. After a few seconds, he turned his head back.

Darius just softly smiled. "I know you feel out of it," Darius said. "Taken out of your home, and basically trapped somewhere you can't leave..." He sighed as he leaned on the wooden railing. "All of us are going through that here, you're not alone,"

"Is it really true?"

Darius looked at Miles.

Miles looked at him. "Is it really true that dinosaurs are here?"

Darius blinked. "O-Oh! That's what you mean, uh, yeah. Dinosaurs are all over the place. Thankfully, not too many of the carnivores are around here. But if they show up, I don't know what we'll do..." He sighed. "I don't want to seem like so much of a bother to you and Peter, but... maybe you can help us since you're stuck here..."

Miles blinked. "I... I never fought a dinosaur before... And I don't think that Peter has fought one either..."

Darius sighed. "Yeah."

"But... that doesn't mean I can't help... I'm Spider-Man... and so is Peter... We're born to help people, I'll help wherever I can,"

Darius looked over at Miles, then softly Smile. He didn't want to put all of his and his friends' problems on two people whom he just met, but for a while, they've been running out of help and resources. Now they had two superhumans.

"Guys they're back!" Brooklyn yelled out.

Darius looked at the ground, and saw Brooklyn waving her arms up to them, then she pointed. Following her finger, they could see Peter, Ben, and Bumpy walking over towards them.

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