Niall was next, holding his little princess in his arms. They whispered in each others ears how bad they missed each other and thank you's of all kinds.

"T-Thank you," she softly whispered, little arms around his neck. I kept my mouth shut as the nurse left me to watch quietly. I sighed, as the tears finally fell. Louis and Ellie's reunion made me burst into tears.

"Thanks, Dad," Ellie suddenly said, sounding completely casual as she said it. My eyes went up to the two immediately. Louis slowly pulled out of their embrace looking just as surprised as me. All the other boys stared in wonder of what came next. The girlfriends and wives were gasping at the scene. Ellie finally realized what she had said, gasping. "G-Gosh, I-I'm s-sorry-"

"You think of me as your dad?" Louis asked quietly, sitting up a little in his hospital bed. I couldn't read the emotion on his face. Happy? Nervous? I bit my lip.

Ellie shrugged, a little embarrassed. Even past her bruises I could see her face getting a little red. "I-In a good way. I-I swear!"

Louis' face was emotionless until he cracked a small smile. He smiled down at his lap before returning his eyes back up to Ellie's. "I've always thought of you as my daughter, sweetheart."

Ellie smiled weakly at the ground. "When you played with me back at the park, I don't know, and when you carried me away from Walter's house. I just kinda had that spark of hope. I'd have something close to a dad. Well, besides Liam." She gave him a little grin, but looked back at Louis. Her eyes were watering, just like Louis. The tw were smiling at each other, almost able to read one another's thoughts.

"Let me be your something close to a dad then." Louis weakly smiled. I was already dying on the inside. I was about to break into sobs. Louis was everything I wanted in a man. I wanted someone who accepted me for me, crazy family and all. I wanted someone who would be kind to my little sister and kind to me. Someone to make me laugh and just keep me happy.

"I-I'd love that." Ellie broke out into a big grin, wrapping her little arms around Louis' neck. "T-Thank you, something close to a dad." She joked with a giggle.

"You're welcome, something close to a daughter," He whispered back with a laugh, kissing her forehead now as my tears spilt over. "Heck, you're Ellie Tomlinson now. We'll adopt you." He laughed a little more. "You're welcome, sweetie."

"T-That was s-so b-beautiful," Danielle was blubbering now as she looked around a tissue box. Ironically, there was one beside me. I grinned a little as I reached for it, smiling through my tears.

"Here, Danielle," I stretched my arm out to reach her.

"T-Thank y-you," It took her a while but after dabbing her eyes she screamed. "MEG! HONEY!"

I don't know who tackled me first but hugs were all around. Danielle, Liam, Perrie, Nicole, Marisa, Zayn, just everyone was hugging and squeezing me tight.

"Mummy!" Eva squealed, jumping on my lap. "We missed you!"

I held my daughter close, knowing I almost lost her. I'd never take her for granted again. Not that I ever did, but after being so close to death, every breath was a gift. Every day was a present. A blessing.

"I missed you too, sweetie. Merry Christmas Eve!"

Eva giggled as I kissed her cheek. She said it tickled and squirmed away from me, but I only kissed her more, us both in grins.

I smiled over at Louis, beaming at my Superman. My warrior. My savior.

"Nice birthday present, eh?" I teased.

"Yes, it was silver and quite painful." He laughed. "I'll never forget that one!"

I looked around the room as we were all laughing. Luke wasn't there so I wondered if he went to see his sister. Finally my eyes met Ellie's and I gave her a little smile.

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