A Different Perspective

Start from the beginning

Eri's situation was an interesting one. Most of the time she stayed with Aizawa, but since she started getting older and got better control of her quirk, she had started staying with Inko when Aizawa couldn't look after her and she wasn't overly stressed, which could trigger her quirk.

Now Inko's main concern, aside from Izuku, was keeping the little girl happy and calm, especially with Aizawa trapped in UA and unable to shut off her quirk if it went rampant.

So far Eri had been the picture of calm though. Much more then Inko in any case. When asked why she was so calm, her only response was "big brother will take care of everything" followed by a confident and innocent smile that disturbingly looked like an unholy hybrid of All Might and Aizawa's smiles.

Inko sighed in fondness and shame. Unlike her and in spite of her efforts to change, Eri had complete faith in Izuku. She believed he would deal with the entire situation no matter what it was, and was easily the least stressed person in the building.

Inko heard a chuckle and looked up at the detective, who was smiling down fondly at Eri.

"I know you're probably not going to do it, but you might as well go home Mrs. Midoriya. There's nothing to be done here until the lockdown is lifted, and if I know your son, then he has everything well in hand" he said with a confident smile.

Rather then protest, Inko sighed as she looked down in shame. Even the police and pro-heroes had more faith in her son.

She had tried to change that, but it was hard when he always came back with more and more scars and injuries.

But then he'd also come back with Eri, and Inko still received a litany of thank you cards that kept getting sent to her house by mistake, from several people he'd saved during his internships and work assignments.

Inko's attention was then pulled back to Eri again, as she slept in her lap.

"No, you're...you're right... Izuku can...he can take care of himself now...and I need to take Eri back home so she can get some rest..." Inko said, though it sounded like she was struggling to say the words.

Tsukauchi smiled at her though as he offered her a hand and took the now empty glass.

"I can help you get back if you want" he offered but Inko refused with a grateful smile, after standing up while holding the sleeping Eir.

"That's alright, I can make my way without any issues" she assured him, though she secretly also wanted some privacy, in case she broke down into tears again.

Wether or not that counted as a lie, Inko didn't know, but Tsukauchi didn't comment ether way.

"Well good luck Mrs. Midoriya. We'll keep you informed of any developments" he promised as he waved goodbye, which Inko returned with a smile.

"That's right...Izuku isn't a child anymore...he can take care of himself now..." Inko thought with the intent of reassuring herself as she walked the halls of the police station, but it only reminded her that her baby wasn't a baby anymore.

Eri's horn poked Inko's cheek as her head lulled to the side on her shoulder.

"Big brother...(snore)...smash...(snore)..." Eri mumbled in her sleep as she drooled slightly on Inko's shoulder.

The woman only smiled fondly at her though. It was almost like having a child again, or like being a grandmother.

Inko's smile then turned a little mischievous at that thought.

"That's right...Izuku isn't a child anymore...maybe it's time I start teasing him about those girls that he hasn't realized are crushing on him...maybe I'll even get some grand-babies in a few years" she thought with a conspiratorial grin.

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