"You two invited my parents?!" Junhyung freaked out.

"Yeah, we invited all of your parents,"
Kyubin bursted out laughing at the sight of Junhyung's face.

"Hi," Junhyung smiled then hugged his parents,"If you didn't know already, this is Sungho," Junhyung explained to his parents everything about Sungho then looked over at Kyubin and Taeyeob who were snickering and gave them an "I'm gonna kill you two" face.

"Taeyeob, why are you in a bride dress?" Sungho asked.

"Because I'm getting married? This is for fun, I'm changing to a suit later. This shit's uncomfortable," Taeyeob stated.

"But you look great in the dress, can't you just keep it on?" Kyubin begged. Taeyeob really did look good in the dress.

"I mean I guess I'll keep it on"

"Bitch twirl!!" Sungho clapped as Taeyeob obeyed.

"What happened to the threesome?" Kyubin questioned.

"Long story short, I'm pretty sure Wookjin threatened Jisung then Jisung was like I'll give you a blowjob so Jisung's giving him a blowjob. I have no clue what Yongsoo's doing with them," Sungho explained then looked over to the side to see Junhyung catching up with his parents.. And Wookjin, Yongsoo, and Jisung,"Well speak of the devils.."

Jisung looked totally fucked out while Wookjin was laughing for absolutely no reason and Yongsoo was smirking, for who the fuck knows why.

"What did you guys do to him?" Taeyeob asked, very concerned.

"Nothing, don't worry," Yongsoo smirked.

"Did you know they invited all of our parents?"Sungho mentioned. Jisung was totally fucked.

"Well fucking shit," Jisung hit Wookjin,"Should've told me before!"

"We just found out sooo," Junhyung looked over,"I think you should like, fix yourself up for a moment."

"I'll help-"Wookjin volunteered.

"No you're not! I'll do it myself," Jisung walked away.


"Anyway, when are you actually getting married?" Sungho asked.

"Soon, probably when Jisung comes out. We still haven't talked to all the guests so bye!" Kyubin waved as him and Taeyeob walked away.

"Where the fuck did they go?" Sungho looked around for a trace of Wookjin, Yongsoo, or Junhyung. But they weren't there. So he decided fuck it and went around to find his own parents.


It was time for Kyubin and Taeyeob to officially get married. They gathered in the area (I forgot what it's called. Is it even called anything?) and the guests sat down. Jisung, Wookjin, Yongsoo, Junhyung, and Sungho were all the groomsmen. Now it was time for them to say their vows.

"Taeyeob, the love of my life. The person I wanna stay forever with"

"Can they just kiss already?" Jisung whispered to Wookjin. And apparently Taeyeob heard it and gave a "shut the fuck up you roach" face. Then Jisung immediately shut up.

"I promise to do everything possible for you," Kyubin ended his statement.

"Shin Kyubin, my future husband, and the greatest comedian alive. I love you with all my heart. I promise to take care of you and.."

Taeyeob's vows were actually so long it was crazy, so we're just gonna skip the rest.

"You may kiss the bride"

Taeyeob and Kyubin shared a passionate kiss. Sungho and Yongsoo actually started crying. Now it was time for the speeches. Sungho went first.

"I am actually so happy for these two, even though they can be- I'm not gonna say that," Sungho wiped the tears from his eyes,"I'm thankful to be one of the groomsmen."

Then Wookjin

"Even though these two can be, how should I word this, a bit of a handful sometimes, I'm so happy for them," Wookjin said in the nicest way possible.

Then Junhyung

"Taeyeob and Kyubin have changed my life, actually all of my friend group. These two can be very annoying sometimes, but I'm happy for them," Junhyung smiled.

"Bro what the fuck kinda speech was that?" Taeyeob whispered.

"I don't know but it's not that bad. Yongsoo's next!" Kyubin whispered back.

"Ever since they fake married in Jeju, I knew that they were actually gonna get married one day, and they did. I'm so happy to be friends with them," Yongsoo had stopped crying at this point, but he was holding back tears.

Then lastly, the amazing, Park Jisung

"I traveled all the way over here to see them get married, and I am not disappointed. I am so happy for these two and I'm glad I met them"

And now it was time for Taeyeob to throw his bouquet. Taeyeob threw it flawlessly and guess who caught it? Lee Sungho. Then Sungho turned over to Junhyung, who grinned, meaning he was probably hinting something like,"Let's get married right now." And obviously they weren't gonna do that because 1: they just got back together, 2: because they don't want to interrupt the wedding, and 3: because Junhyung or Sungho probably don't have a plan, yet.

Now it was time to dance. Kyubin and Taeyeob slayed, Sungho and Junhyung slayed even more because they were hella good dancers, Wookjin, Yongsoo, and Jisung had to take turns but then eventually figures something out, Taeyeob was slaying girl group dances, Sungho was dancing and slaying because of his sharp and clean moves, and Junhyung was dancing the night away with his powerful ass moves.

"Where did the married couple go?" Wookjin asked.

"They probably went to go fuck, like every other couple does when they get married," Junhyung responded.

They ended the night go back to the hotel rooms. Jisung, Wookjin, and Yongsoo spent as much time possible together. Junhyung and Sungho and Junhyung were being a lovey dovey couple. And Taeyeob and Kyubin were doing you know what, and the others eventually found out but they obviously already knew. In the morning, they would be going home.

A/N: I've officially written 3 weddings. This chapter, the "wedding" with Kyubin and Taeyeob in Jeju, and the wedding in "I Love You,"which was not as detailed as this chapter because yknow why if you read the story. This is also the official longest chapter in this book!!Anyway, thanks for reading!!

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