Extra 5

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For all the other interstellar races, the Zerg were a race they found hard to understand. The class-defined pyramid structure was understood even if there were no other races with similar social structures.

The Zerg was born with their class naturally decided. The higher the class of the Zerg, the more powerful they were. This was reasonable. However, the Zerg suddenly had a king. The Zerg king was still a cub and was said to have no combat capabilities. Such a king was incompatible with the Zerg but all Zerg were willing to submit to such a weak ruler. This made it difficult for the other interstellar races to understand.

Even so, the Zerg didn't care if others could understand or not. The type of meaning that the king had to the Zerg couldn't be understood by people of other races. Even if it could be explained theoretically, the meaning couldn't be fully appreciated.

At this time, in a military meeting room, a round black cub with gold eyes was freely moving on the black stone table in the meeting room. As he moved, his paws stepped on a piece of paper. It was a fairly important document about diplomacy between the two races but the black cub on the black stone table stepped on it like this.

During one meeting, the black cub stepped on the document at least three or four times. This scene shouldn't occur in a serious military conference room.

The Popolts leader sitting on the left side of the square table didn't dare comment on this. The Zerg sitting on the right side of the table consisted of the three army leaders and the high ranking members of Tuser's council and they remained motionless. Although expressionless, the eyes of these Zerg were clearly following the black cub moving on the table. The place where their attention was focused could be seen at once.

"Chirp?" Gu Huai had never seen the Popolts before. He approached a few Popolts sitting opposite his parents with some curiosity and started to observe them. The observed Popolts didn't dare to move. They knew that if this diplomacy was to be successful, it depended on the cub's reaction to them.

It sounded strange. How could a matter involving the race be determined by the attitude and reaction of a cub but the Zerg were unreasonable like this.

"Chirp." He curiously watched the Popolts for a while before letting out a soft sound. This showed no disgust with them and the observed Popolts were slightly relieved.

In the end, Alves who had been on the table but not moving much acted by dragging back the black cub with his tail. Gu Huai cried out at being dragged back like this but he was obedient. If he couldn't explore then he would go next to Alves.

In theory, a cub should like to stick to their parents. It was just that Alves was Gu Huai's first guardian so Gu Huai liked to pull Alves to do almost everything. They played together, ate together and slept snuggled up together.

The young Gu Huai was undoubtedly very sticky and the Zerg were very happy about this. Gu Huai would stick to them from time to time. Whenever this happened, the Zerg that the black cub was following would be overjoyed.

As for how Alves felt about it, you can see from how he reacted. The moment the black cub was next to him, Alves' tail moved and the two cubs snuggled together, looking intimate. After being with Alves for a while, Gu Huai once again got up and approached his parents.

The meeting went on for some time when Gu Huai felt a bit hungry. He was hungry so he went to look for his parents. The black cub walked to the edge of the table closest to the Zerg and called out, "Chirp chirp."

The call to eat was softer from the cub's usual sounds. The Zerg were undoubtedly very keen on the differences in Gu Huai's cries. This call interrupted the whole meeting and those on the Zerg side acted in a flash.

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