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The fact that Aaron had jumped from the Star Alliance to the Zerg side made the executives of the Star Alliance almost breathless.

Was it easy for them to find someone to be the leader of the scientific research team? The previous leader almost wiped out the Star Alliance headquarters. This one was also great. As far as the Star Alliance knew, it wasn't the Zerg who came to dig at the wall. Aaron had gone over himself.

The reason was only because of love.

It was unknown which Star Alliance member had passed it onto the Star Network but it quickly spread. Gu Huai was using his personal terminal to browse the Star Network and his first reaction when he saw it was to laugh.

Aaron was a really talented resource for the Zerg. The Star Alliance didn't want to let him go but Aaron was already on Tuser and he had gone there voluntarily. The Star Alliance couldn't steal him from the Zerg.

The drug that stabilized the fused genes was produced during Aaron's first week of formal employment with Tuser. This batch of medicine was transported to Ivy Star by a Yula battleship. After confirming the delivery, Gu Huai finally let go of his concerns about the Grey Tower soldiers.

The addition of Aaron meant the development speed of science and technology on the Zerg side was greatly improved. The original research team on Tuser was now committed to further rises in Tuser's technology.

The soil experts previously recruited from other races also formed a team of researchers to begin the study of Tuser's soil.

The Zerg knew that Gu Huai liked flowers so all the Zerg on Tuser had a high enthusiasm for Tuser's soil improvement plan. For this reason, many Zerg independently studied soil science and joined his branch research team.

Tuser was now the only capital star of the Zerg. Their king liked flowers so they must let Tuser be filled with flowers.

Once Alves and the chief of staff made the planet's soil improvement plan public, the Zerg looked at the contents of the plan and suddenly remembered that they still owed Gu Huai a gift. It was a late birthing gift.

The origin of the Zerg was a dark and cold planet. There was only cold winter on this planet and no other seasons. No light could be seen.

There was probably nothing on this planet. It was more barren than an abandoned planet. This cold and dark cognition was passed to the Zerg's internal consciousness and their lack of emotional nature was also related to this.

Gu Huai's existence was like a beautiful star shining on this dark planet. Humans referred to the star that shone on Earth as the 'sun'. In the eyes of all the Zerg, Gu Huai's presence was much warmer than a sun. The king was their precious treasure. Thus, the Zerg felt that they should prepare a gift that could fully express their hearts regarding Gu Huai's birth.

Before Gu Huai was born, there was always a sense of vacancy that couldn't be described as a lack of emotions. They were missing something but they didn't know what it was. The strong sense of vacancy created their predatory nature but plunder couldn't fill this vacancy. It wasn't until Gu Huai was born and they saw Gu Huai that the sense of emptiness disappeared.

Alves' feelings in this regard were similar but different from other Zerg. His inner gap was much larger than other Zerg and it was a gap in multiples.

This type of inner gap made Alves feel unbearable irritability all the time and he felt a destructive desire for anything tangible. He needed to suppress his violent outbursts towards anything that made him irritable by throwing away his vision.

It was only when Gu Huai appeared that Alves could be calm. He no longer had to cover his eyes with the black blindfold.

It was very difficult to prepare this birth gift. The soil problem of Tuser was very prominent. Only the most tenacious Tamou tree could survive on Tuser so wanting to improve Tuser's soil enough to grow flowers wasn't easy. It would take a long time but the Zerg on Tuser were very enthusiastic about it.

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