four ⛥

116 14 30

yuna ✧

I slowly woke up the next morning, to see yewon going through my drawers. "yewon?" I say sleepily, she jumped at the sound of my voice. "you were supposed to be sleeping!" she says with a hand on her chest. "what are you doing?" I asked as I glanced at the open drawers. "um...looking for a charger?" she says as I furrow my eyebrows. "why? what happened to yours?" I asked. "it broke.."

I slowly sat up, looking at her face to face, I nod. she walks towards the door, about to leave as I stopped her. "wait." I say as she turned and looked at me. "where were you yesterday?" I asked her. "a..a friend's house." she said as she walked out the room in silence.

im glad that's where she was, at least nothing bad had happened to her. after all, she's the only real family I have left.

I get up and get changed for school.

I pick my phone and text Lia, knowing that she has imessages on her laptop as I glance at the phone under my pillow. her phone.

well I hope her internet's better now..

I walk into school and I spot yeji, I looked around for lia but couldn't find her. I shrugged it off, hoping she'll show up sooner or later.

I walked past ryujin, who was standing outside the classroom, shooting daggers at me but I really wasn't in the mood to stop and argue with her. I walked inside the class and sat at my usual spot, the back seat. 

I noticed beomgyu sitting at the desk beside me, "hey." I said to him, causing for him to glance at me. "hi." he muttered, "have you seen lia anywhere?" I asked, referring to the fact that he's with kai like twenty four/seven so maybe he's seen lia at least once. 

he shook his head, "pretty sure I would've remembered seeing her," he spoke in a low voice which made me tilt my head. "are you okay, beomgyu?" I asked him as he nodded and opened his textbook. 

Just then, ryujin walked in and stopped in her tracks when saw beomgyu and I next to each other. She rolled her eyes and went and sat in the middle row. 

the teacher walked in and began her lesson as I eventually pulled my textbook out and started highlighting the important bits. 

a bunch of classes passed by as it was finally time for lunch, I walked into the cafeteria with yeji, as I kept my head down low. I wasn't feeling so well so I clung to yeji's arm, but it didn't seem like she noticed.

we sat at our usual table and I noticed kai and beomgyu walk in from the corner of my eye. the whole cafeteria went silent as all eyes were on them. 

beomgyu scratched his neck and whispered something to kai, which only made him roll his eyes. His eyes met mine for a brief moment as he pulled away and sat down. 

I tilted my head to the side, to see yeji eagerly eyeing the cafeteria's entrance. "everything okay yeji? you've been staring at the doors for a while now," I say as she looked over at me. 

"yeah yeah, I was just hoping to find someone." she said as I cocked an eyebrow, "find someone?" I smirk as she rolls her eyes. "its not like that," she said as I shrugged. "okay whatever you say," I chuckle. 

I grabbed my water bottle and started to drink water, and just then, yeonjun walked in as yeji's eyes were practically glued to him. I spit my water out, "c-choi yeonjun?" I say as she turns to me with wide eyes. 

she shakes her head furiously, "not like that yuna!"she whisper-yelled quietly. I grinned widely, "sure," I wink as she just facepalms. "whatever," she mutters playfully. 

after that, we just ate our lunch and talked about day and other stuff. 

the school day was coming to an end as Yeji and I walked out of the school, with a special guest, yeonjun. Yeonjun and I were actually really close, and I do know about rehab, but I don't think it's the best thing to talk about right now. 

Just then, someone, who looked an awful lot like a man, came rushing past us, causing for yeji to fall on the floor.  I helped her up as yeonjun kept eyeing the place the man ran off to, with seething eyes. I held his hand as he glanced at me, "we can get him later, lets first make sure that yeji's okay." I say as he nods and kneels down to talk to yeji.

after making sure yeonjun took yeji home safely,  I walked towards my car when I heard someone yelling my name in the distance. I turned around to see kai walking towards me. I tilted my head in confusion, why is he suddenly talking to me? or wanting to talk to me?

"uh hey kai," I said as he nods in response. "where's lia?" he asked which made me furrow my eyebrow. "lia what- I thought you'd know." I say as an eerie feeling creeps up my spine. "what do you mean I thought I'd know? she's with you all day." he said with an unneeded glare. I sighed frustratedly, "I haven't seen her at all today. You're her brother, didn't she walk with you in the morning?" I ask as he steps closer to me. 

"I never walk with her, you know that. When was the last time you saw her?" he asks as he places one hand on his jaw and another in his pocket. not gonna lie, he looked bloody attractive in that moment right there.

I just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, why the sudden Q and A? "yuna." his raspy voice made me snap back into reality. "oh umm I was talking to her, last night, on a FaceTime call and suddenly the call ended as I heard a crashing sound on the other end. I just thought the network was bad and she dropped something." I say as he looks me up and down. 

he walks even closer to me, as my back hit the front of car, and he looked me straight in my eyes, our faces merely inches away from each other.  "if you hear from her....." he paused for a second. 

"tell her to give my Star Wars hoodie back." 

he said with such confidence as he backed away slowly. I scoff, "seriously kai?" I say as he starts walking away. "idiot." I mutter under my breath as I got inside my car.

 I drove straight home and walked into my house. I looked around to see the house empty, again. where on earth could my sister possibly be? should I file a missing report or what because I seriously don't get what game she's playing. I shrugged it off for the time being and walked up to my room. the minute I opened the bedroom door i-i.....

I screamed.

dead roses.

dead fucking roses were in a bouquet wrapped with a black ribbon. on my fucking bed.

now you may be wondering what the big deal about dead roses is, but I grew up listening to the theory that receiving/sending dead roses was an act of revenge, and it never meant anything good.

I noticed a note, right in the centre of the bouquet as I walked closer to my bed. I carefully picked up the note, the words were written in a shaky handwriting with a black fine tip pen as the note itself had red splotches all over, a gut feeling telling me thats it blood. But its not even the note that shocked me. it was the words.

she knew too much. - DR 

okay, what the actual fuck. 

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