Chloe laughs, then stops, grabbing a hold of my forearm with her free hand.

"Wait! They're coming here for spring break?"

"Part of it, anyway," I nod. "Assuming they hurry up and make some bookings, that is."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" she demands. "When are they coming? For how long?"

I don't get the chance to answer, because Chloe's already going a mile a minute.

"We have so much to plan! Oh, this is going to be so much fun! We can show them all the best places! I'm going to have to look up what's on in the city then. I've never stayed here over spring break, but with the placement I got and everything, it's not worth trying to go home..."

She's already unlocked her phone and started madly tapping away, and I haven't said a word, a fact that slowly registers with her. When she looks up, I'm looking down at her, eyebrows raised, smirk firmly in place. Her lips purse like she's trying to hold in a giggle and she clicks off her phone, shoving it back in her tote bag.

"Guess I got a little carried away, huh?"

"Maybe just a little," I chuckle, throwing an arm around her shoulders and turning us both back towards the library doors. "But it's totally part of your charm."

"Damn right," she laughs, and I feel the last of the lingering irritation from my call with Lee disappear with the sound.

I should've known Lee would find a way to ruin my good mood again sooner rather than later, though.

"You've got to be kidding," I groan, burying my face in my hands as Elle gives me the news of her and Lee's updated spring break trip via FaceTime that night.

"No, Noah, I am not kidding," she frowns, sitting up against the headboard of her bed.

"So, you're really going to drive all the way from LA to Boston? And back again?"

"Yeah," Elle nods. "Via New York on the way there," she adds.

"And how long will that take?"

"Lee says it's a two day drive from here to there."

I do my best to swallow a scoff. "I mean, sure, if you drive continuously, with no stops."

"Well, there's two of us," Elle insists. "Lee and I will swap out for each other every few hours, and the one who's not driving can nap."

"Elle," I frown at her through the screen. "That's not safe. And, honestly? It doesn't sounds like a whole lot of fun, either."

She rolls her eyes at me.

"It's me and Lee. When have we not had fun?"

I could keep harping on about this, but it's not like it'll get me anywhere. Once Elle sets her mind on something, it's pretty futile to try and change it. Sighing in defeat, I rest an elbow on my desk, leaning my cheek into my knuckled fist.

"Fine. Just promise me this doesn't mean you're going to be here for less time than you planned? I miss you, Shell."

Elle's expression softens and she leans closer to the camera.

"I miss you, too. And I'll be there for the same amount of time. We have an extra week off because of the repairs and stuff they're doing at school, so it still works out fine."

"Okay. But you know," I half-smile, "if you just got on a plane, we'd have like four extra days together..."

"Noah, stop," Elle laughs. "We're going to be together day and night. You're probably gonna be sick of me by the end of it."

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