Chapter 21: Purple Moron

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"A whole day like this?"He asks

"It iS bEtTer tHaN yOu dYiNg."I say

"And you're holding my crown because...?"He asks

"It wAs oN tHe fLoOr."I say, cleaning up the mess from the broken mug

I turn, putting the crown on his head. He stares at me blankly, his eyes twinkling and his crown shining in the light.

Damn it, he keeps getting cuter. I can't look at him.

I turn my head away, going to lock the door. It's dead quiet. Then my phone rings and I answer to Ink yelling on the other end.

"Error! Why the hell did you go on a destruction spree? Why did you destroy 20 AUs in a row?"He snaps

"ThEy wErE iN mY wAy aNd aNnOyEd mE."I say, hanging up

"It's not even noon and you already went on a destruction spree?"Nightmare asks

"YeP. OnE gOt tAinTEd bY ReApEr's pReSeEnCe So i GoT rId oF iT. ThE rEsT wErE jUst sInCe I lOst mY paTiEnCe."I say

"What got you in such a bad mood?"He asks

"Oh I dOn'T kNoW, mAyBe iT's tHe fACt ThAt ReApEr NeArLy kiLlEd yOu!"I reply, taking my needles out to start crocheting.

I need a distraction. I hear a shift and glance, seeing Nightmare's legs hang over the side of the bed beside mine.

"That alone made you snap?"He asks

I frown, pausing my work to look at him.

"Of cOuRsE iT diD! I aM nOt SoUlLeSs eNoUgH liKe INK tO nOt cArE! HoW iS tHaT a QuEsTiON?"I snap

He stares at me in shock, only making me feel worse.

"YoU rEaLlY diD nOt ExPEcT mE tO cArE...UgGh, iT iS tOo EaRlY fOr tHiS."I say, getting up

"Where are you going?"He asks

"To mY rOoM."I say, unlocking the door and shutting it behind me.

I head to my room, locking the door behind me. I hop into bed, screaming into the pillow. I turn over, having my strings grab a puppet of Nightmare.

"WhY dO yOu hAvE tO bE sO cUtE yEt sO dUmB sOmEtImEs?"I ask

Obviously I don't get an answer but still. Then I notice a Reaper puppet tied near the ceiling. I pull the strings quickly, ripping it to pieces.

Hmm, that wasn't as satisfying. But I think I know how to get my anger out.

A few hours later, there is a knock at the door.

"Error? You busy?"Killer asks

"JuSt dOiNg tArGeT pRaCtIcE! LeT mE gRaB mY gLaSsEs!"I say, setting my things aside

I grab my glasses, putting them on again and letting Killer in.

"Target practice huh? What do you-? Oh..."He says, seeing my target

I glance over, smiling proudly at the Reaper puppet pinned to a paper target on the wall with bone attacks and two of my needles piercing it.

"Are you okay, Error?"He asks

Perl hops into my lap, purring.

"NeVeR bEtTeR!"I say with a chuckle, glancing at the clock to see it is 9PM now.

Huh, didn't know that much time passed.

"Horror wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready and that he is concerned that you and Boss didn't come out for lunch."He says

Three more hours until this is over...

"I'lL cOmE oUt. He iS pRoBaBlY sTucK iN a BoOk."I say, walking out with him and carrying Perl

I go out to the table where Horror is dishing out food. He smiles at me as I sit and he gives me a serving. Then he frowns, glancing at Nightmare's empty seat.

"Is Boss okay? You went to check on him after that shattering sound and then you both were gone."Killer asks

All eyes turn to me. I see Horror gazing at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry about the bad apples."He says

It would kill him if he knew what really happened....How Reaper used him to POISON Nightmare instead of it just being a bad batch...Just brush it off.

"It iS oKaY, HoRrOr. It hApPeNs. tHe aPpLe jUsT diDn'T sIt wElL wItH hIm iN hiS dRinK. He iS oKay NoW. I wiLl bRinG hIs dInNer."I say, grabbing Nightmare's plate

"Thanks Error!"Horror and Killer say

I go to Nightmare's door, knocking on the door.

"NiGhTmArE, i gOt yOuR dInNer."I say

CRASH! Thud!

You've got to be kidding me.

"Boss?!"Killer and Horror yell as I kick the door open

He lays collapsed on the ground, not moving or responding.

"Who is this purple midget and where's Boss?"Killer asks

I see that on his desk was another cup of a beverage. Perl hops beside it, sniffing it beside an open book and hisses.

Nightmare you idiot...Why would you drink another?!

I facepalm.

"KiLlEr, tHaT iS hIm. I tOld yOu tHe aPpLe diD nOT sIT weLl iN hIm."I say

"Well let's get him off of the floor!"Horror says, picking him up and setting him in bed

I see his face turn grim.

"His body is completely limp...His soul didn't beat...Did I really screw up with that batch?"He says, his voice trembling

I sigh, shaking my head. I can't let him feel guilt for Reaper's mistake.

"YoU aRe nOt aT fAuLt HoRrOr. YoU diDn'T kNoW tHe tRiCkS bEinG uSed."I say

"Tricks?"He asks

"ReApEr hId PoIsOnEd ApPlEs iN thE bAsKet yOu grAbbEd. He iNtEndEd hArm To NiGhtMarE, NoT yOu. HiS fIrSt cUp wAs rEjEctEd bY hIs cOde aNd tUrnEd hIm inTo hOw yOu sEe hIm bUt I dOn't kNoW hOw iT wiLl dO wItH tHe sEcOnD."I say, setting the food aside to check his code

"So that's why you were doing target practice!"Killer says

I nod, opening a code screen.

Killer leans over my shoulder curiously.

"YoU mIghT'vE bEen rIgHt aBoUt mOrOseXuAlIty..."I mumble

He chuckles, hearing and understanding.

"Tell me who later."He chuckles

Nightmare you moron, you better be ok or I am going to kill you.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin