𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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The last days went by quickly and before I knew it, it was already Thursday and I was already in Australia. I was very busy, so I didn't get to chat much with Charles the last few days.

I arrived at the track and got immediately to work. I had to lead Max to his interviews and it was exhausting today because it is really hot in Australia.

"Are you free this evening?", Max asked me as we had a break.

"Yeah, why?"

"I thought we could do something together."

"Yeah sure but can we stay at the hotel? I don't want to go out today. I just want to relax."

"Sure. I saw that the hotel has an indoor pool. Maybe we could relax there."

"Sounds nice.", I said and grabbed myself a water bottle.

We had a few more appointments but after them we called it a day and headed back to the hotel.

I relaxed a bit on my bed and after a one hour I put on my bikini and a robe and walked to Max room.
I knocked and he came out.

We walked downstairs to the indoor pool and lay down on the lounge chairs.

We chatted a bit and after some time the door opened and Carlos, Pierre, Daniel, George, Lando, Alex and of course Charles came in.

"that's it for our alone time.", Max said and his smile faded. He seemed to be annoyed that they appeared.

"Hey guys. Did we interrupt something?", Daniel asked us as they all reached us.

"Hey, no you didn't.", I said smiling and greeted everyone.

"Kinda.", Max said laughing and scratching the back of his head.

Charles looked at me with a dark look. It seems that he doesn't like the fact that I'm spending time with Max but he doesn't have a reason for it. We aren't together. They all put their towels on a lounge chair and sat down.

Max got up and grabbed me up bridal style.

"Max, what are you doing?", I asked him hysterically.

He laughed and walked to the edge of the pool. He jumped with me in. When I came to the surface again, I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down. The others joined us and there was a wild water fight. We splashed around like little kids and laughed all together. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and before I could turn around to see who it was, I was picked up and thrown into the water.

"Hey! Who was it?", I said and looked at the boys. They all were laughing and I started laughing too. "That wasn't nice!"

Almost every one got out of the water after some time but I decided to swim a few laps. When I relaxed at the edge, Charles swam over to me.

"Hey.", he said and appeared next to me.


"We didn't talk much the last days."

"Yeah, I know. I had a lot to do.", I said and looked at the others. They were playing cards so no one noticed us.

"I did text you but probably you didn't seen it because you were busy.", he said and looked at Max.

"We only relaxed."

"Yeah sure. Why didn't you tell me that the friend you were visiting in Madrid was Carlos?", he asked me as he looked back at me.

"Why should I?"

"I don't know. But you could've told me."

"I see no point in telling you."

Seductive Game | Charles LeclercTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang